Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Current News and Weather Human Impacts of Climate Change Adapting to Climate Change Sea Level Rise For Next Class: Read Ch. 15 Exam IV on Wednesday. Old Exam Study Session 12-4 PM on Thursday in 345 Rankin West. Final Exam 11 AM on Friday (5/4).
Group Discussion What are some of the Societal and Economic Impacts of Climate Change?
Human Impacts Floods, droughts, and climate extremes likely to increase Global conflicts may be exacerbated? Arctic claims in response to decreasing summer sea ice? Environmental refugees Food shortages and higher food prices?
Adapting to Climate Change Sea Level Rise: Approximately 10% of worlds population is found within Low Elevation Coastal Zones (LECZs) 60% of population of the Netherlands lives within LECZs Significant problem facing society! Water Management: How to ensure adequate and clean water when quantity and dependability of existing supplies is decreasing? Glacier retreat in tropical Andes!
LECZs in Eastern U.S.
Sea Level Rise What are the major contributions to observed and projected global sea level rise?
Washington Post 2017
Group Discussion How should low lying coastal zones (e.g., South Florida, NC Outer Banks) begin to prepare for sea level rise? What are some specific adaptation and mitigation strategies? How might sea level rise impact you personally?