The Generals of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg July 1 - 3, 1863 Thought by many to be the turning point of the war Casualties numbered about 51,000 Ended Lee’s invasion of the north 120 Generals fought at Gettysburg – 67 Union and 53 Confederate. Of these 10 were killed – 5 on each side. Many more died in subsequent battles.
Robert E. Lee Commander of Confederate army during Civil War. Venerated by most of his soldiers Had been offered the command of the northern armies by Lincoln Invaded Pennsylvania in the hope of stimulating peace with North Invasion proved a costly mistake After the war Lee said that taking a military education was the greatest mistake of his life
John Buford Led the first union force which met the invading Confederates at Gettysburg Played a critical role in the battle, selecting the field of battle and holding his position until help arrived. Told his men that if the Rebels seized the high ground We will have the devil to pay. His cousin, Abraham Buford, was a cavalry General for the south Died of illness 5 months later Trivia: His aide, Myles Keogh, was killed with General Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn
James Longstreet Lee’s most important general who called Longstreet his “Old War Horse” Many have referred to him as the best general on either side At Gettysburg he disagreed with Lee’s tactics, especially the disastrous Pickett’s Charge During the War, Longstreet lost 3 of his children in one week due to illness, which changed him from a fun, sociable soldier to a quiet, withdrawn commander.