Users can’t download an app for every need they have because: Networking opportunities are missing No connection/interaction even if users: are physically close share common interests have same real-time needs Users can’t download an app for every need they have because: No Knowledge / Willingness No Time No Space
Hibye No need of a contact list Real & Real-time interaction The Social Network that allows you to disappear Personal Professional Commercial
Online advertising market 47% of Italians use Social Networks Hibye 2.0 to be marketed abroad Initial customers would be retail chains Online Adv. Market > 300 B$ by 2020. Social Networks are taking the majority of this market References: Statista.com 2017
People do not pay - Companies will pay Business model People do not pay - Companies will pay Monthly Basic fee Standard Profile Monthly Premium fee Premium Services Variable fee Additional visibility
Investors are betting on proximity marketing Competitors Funding: 285 M$ in 6 rounds since 2010 Neighborhood limited Funding: 16,5M$ in 3 rounds since 2014 Professional network Funding: 6M€ in 3 rounds since 2014 Based on user anonymity Investors are betting on proximity marketing Sources : Crunchbase 2017
Sponsorships at events Marketing strategy Mode Channels Target market: Teenagers College students Young Adults Off-line Sponsorships at events Influencer Marketing Social media management Facebook Adv Digital PR DEM Blog On-line
Timeline What has been done Next Steps 11/2016: Foundation (100k) 03/2017: Seed round (206k) 09/2017: MVP Launched 4/2018: 7000 users Q2-Q3 2018: Hibye 2.0 Q2-Q3 2018: Funding for expansion Q4 2018: Commercial version
Team Advisors Pietro Miconi Founder & CEO (Former trader) Stefano Francolini Investor & Business Angel (Gamenet exit on IPO @ Milan Stock Exchange) Michele Celeghini Founder & CTO (Managed an IT startup) Gian Maria Brega Digital PR & Marketing advisor Francesco Saccullo Developer Sabrina Ciccolo Investor & Corporate advisor Eleonora Carioti Social media manager
250.000 € for 10% equity 52.000 € Product Development Funding Request 250.000 € for 10% equity 52.000 € Product Development 144.000 € Marketing 36.000 € Operations 18.000 € Others