Literary Terms for House on Mango Street ©2013 Worldwide Hock
Simile Comparison of two unlike things using like or as.
Idiom An expression (figure of speech) that does not mean what it literally says.
Alliteration Repetition of initial (first) sounds in a series of words
Onomatopoeia A word that imitates the sound it represents.
Metaphor Comparison of two unlike things without using like or as.
Hyperbole Exaggeration or overstatement.
Personification Giving human qualities to animals or objects
Symbol An object or action that means more than its literal meaning.
Simile Zach is like an oxstrong and buff.
Hyperbole Anthony Haselbauer is a giant!
Personification The curtains winked at me.
Idiom Its raining cats and dogs. Lauren is driving me up the wall.
Onomatopoeia Bam! Buzz. Hiss. Quack.
Symbol U.S. flag = freedom, American Dream, success, etc.
Alliteration Skylar sells seashells at the seashore.
Metaphor Ms. Dahms is the sunshine of my life.