ACTIVE v. PASSIVE If the verb is ACTIVE, the subject performs the action – e.g dominus servum pulsat If the verb is PASSIVE, the subject is on the receiving need of action by somebody or somebody else – e.g servus ā dominō pulsātur English makes passive verbs by using past participle plus is/are/am/was/were etc. – e.g The slave is hit by Caecilius. Latin uses a method rather like English in the perfect tenses but for the present, imperfect and future it uses a special element (r) and combines this in different ways with the active verb endings.
BASIC ENDINGS In tenses formed from the present stem (viz. present tense itself, future and imperfect), the passive endings are formed by a combination of the suffix -r with the active endings, except for the 2nd person plural ending which is taken from an obsolete passive present participle: ACTIVE PASSIVE ō/m - or/r s - ris t - tur mus - mur tis - minī nt - ntur A short i in the 2nd. Person singular changes to e in front of ris In the present tense of the 1st., 2nd. and 4th. conjugations, the imperfect of all conjugations and the future of 3rd and 4th conjugation verbs, the short vowel before –t in the 3rd. person sing becomes long (e.g. amat > amātur, capiēbat > capiēbātur, reget > regētur ). This is because the original long vowel in the base of the form is shortened before a final -t but not before a non-final –t-
Present Tense - infinitive in –āre (pass. -ārī ) amor
Present Tense - infinitive in –āre (pass. -ārī ) amor amāris
Present Tense - infinitive in –āre (pass. -ārī ) amor amāris amātur
Present Tense - infinitive in –āre (pass. -ārī ) amor amāris amātur amāmur
Present Tense - infinitive in –āre (pass. -ārī ) amor amāris amātur amāmur amāminī
Present Tense - infinitive in –āre (pass. -ārī ) amor amāris amātur amāmur amāminī amantur
Present Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in ērī) moneor
Present Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in ērī) moneor monēris
Present Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in ērī) moneor monēris monētur
Present Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in ērī) moneor monēris monētur monēmur
Present Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in ērī) moneor monēris monētur monēmur monēminī
Present Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in ērī) moneor monēris monētur monēmur monēminī monentur
Present Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regor
Present Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regor regeris
Present Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regor regeris regitur
Present Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regor regeris regitur regimur
Present Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regor regeris regitur regimur regiminī
Present Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regor regeris regitur regimur regiminī reguntur
Present Tense - infinitive in –īre (passive in - īrī) audior
Present Tense - infinitive in –īre (passive in - īrī) audior audīris
Present Tense - infinitive in –īre (passive in - īrī) audior audīris audīt ur
Present Tense - infinitive in –īre (passive in - īrī) audior audīris audīt ur audīmur
Present Tense - infinitive in –īre (passive in - īrī) audior audīris audīt ur audīmur audīminī
Present Tense - infinitive in –īre (passive in - īrī) audior audīris audīt ur audīmur audīminī audiuntur
Present Tense - 1st. Pers. sing Present Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō and infinitive in –ere (passive infinitive in –ī) capior
Present Tense - 1st. Pers. sing Present Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō and infinitive in –ere (passive infinitive in –ī) capior caperis
capior caperis capitur Present Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō and infinitive in –ere (passive infinitive in –ī) capior caperis capitur
capior caperis capitur capimur Present Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō and infinitive in –ere (passive infinitive in –ī) capior caperis capitur capimur
capior caperis capitur capimur capiminī Present Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō and infinitive in –ere (passive infinitive in –ī) capior caperis capitur capimur capiminī
capior caperis capitur capimur capiminī capiuntur Present Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō and infinitive in –ere (passive infinitive in –ī) capior caperis capitur capimur capiminī capiuntur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābar
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābar amābāris
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābar amābāris amābātur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābar amābāris amābātur amābāmur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābar amābāris amābātur amābāmur amābāminī
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābar amābāris amābātur amābāmur amābāminī amābantur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbar
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbar monēbāris
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbar monēbāris monēbātur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbar monēbāris monēbātur monēbāmur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbar monēbāris monēbātur monēbāmur monēbāminī
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbar monēbāris monēbātur monēbāmur monēbāminī monēbantur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regēbar
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regēbar regēbāris
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regēbar regēbāris regēbātur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regēbar regēbāris regēbātur regēbāmur
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regēbar regēbāris regēbātur regēbāmur regēbāminī
Imperfect Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regēbar regēbāris regēbātur regēbāmur regēbāminī regēbantur
Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiēbar
Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiēbar audiēbāris
audiēbar audiēbāris audiēbātur Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiēbar audiēbāris audiēbātur
audiēbar audiēbāris audiēbātur audiēbāmur Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiēbar audiēbāris audiēbātur audiēbāmur
audiēbar audiēbāris audiēbātur audiēbāmur audiēbāminī Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiēbar audiēbāris audiēbātur audiēbāmur audiēbāminī
audiēbar audiēbāris audiēbātur audiēbāmur audiēbāminī audiēbantur Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiēbar audiēbāris audiēbātur audiēbāmur audiēbāminī audiēbantur
Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiēbar
Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiēbar capiēbāris
capiēbar capiēbāris capiēbātur Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiēbar capiēbāris capiēbātur
capiēbar capiēbāris capiēbātur capiēbāmur Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiēbar capiēbāris capiēbātur capiēbāmur
capiēbar capiēbāris capiēbātur capiēbāmur capiēbāminī Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiēbar capiēbāris capiēbātur capiēbāmur capiēbāminī
capiēbar capiēbāris capiēbātur capiēbāmur capiēbāmini capiēbantur Imperfect Tense - 1st. Pers. sing. in –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiēbar capiēbāris capiēbātur capiēbāmur capiēbāmini capiēbantur
Future Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābor
Future Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābor amāberis
Future Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābor amāberis amābitur
Future Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābor amāberis amābitur amābimur
Future Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābor amāberis amābitur amābimur amābiminī
Future Tense - infinitive in –āre (passive in –ārī) amābor amāberis amābitur amābimur amābiminī amābuntur
Future Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbor
Future Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbor monēberis
Future Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbor monēberis monēbitur
Future Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbor monēberis monēbitur monēbimur
Future Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbor monēberis monēbitur monēbimur monēbiminī
Future Tense - infinitive in –ēre (passive in –ērī) monēbor monēberis monēbitur monēbimur monēbiminī monēbuntur
Future Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regar
Future Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regar regēris
Future Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regar regēris regētur
Future Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regar regēris regētur regēmur
Future Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regar regēris regētur regēmur regēminī
Future Tense - infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) regar regēris regētur regēmur regēminī regentur
Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiar
Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiar capiēris
Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiar capiēris capiētur
Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiar capiēris capiētur capiēmur
Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiar capiēris capiētur capiēmur capiēminī
Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –ere (passive in –ī) capiar capiēris capiētur capiēmur capiēminī capientur
Future Tense - 1st pers. sing Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiar
Future Tense - 1st pers. sing Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiar audiēris
audiar audiēris audiētur Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiar audiēris audiētur
audiar audiēris audiētur audiēmur Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiar audiēris audiētur audiēmur
audiar audiēris audiētur audiēmur audiēminī Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiar audiēris audiētur audiēmur audiēminī
audiar audiēris audiētur audiēmur audiēminī audientur Future Tense - 1st pers.sing. –iō, infinitive in –īre (passive in –īrī) audiar audiēris audiētur audiēmur audiēminī audientur
PERFECT TENSE Formed by using the perfect participle (the forth part of the verb in a dictionary) and the present tense of sum: sum sumus es estis est sunt
amātus/amāta/amātum sum PERFECT PASSIVE of amō amātus/amāta/amātum sum
amātus/amāta/amātum sum amātus/amāta/amātum es PERFECT PASSIVE of amō amātus/amāta/amātum sum amātus/amāta/amātum es
amātus/amāta/amātum sum amātus/amāta/amātum es amātus/amāta/amātum est PERFECT PASSIVE of amō amātus/amāta/amātum sum amātus/amāta/amātum es amātus/amāta/amātum est
PERFECT PASSIVE of amō amātus/amāta/amātum sum amātus/amāta/amātum es amātus/amāta/amātum est amātī/amātae/amāta sumus
PERFECT PASSIVE of amō amātus/amāta/amātum sum amātus/amāta/amātum es amātus/amāta/amātum est amātī/amātae/amāta sumus amātī/amātae/amāta estis
PERFECT PASSIVE of amō amātus/amāta/amātum sum amātus/amāta/amātum es amātus/amāta/amātum est amātī/amātae/amāta sumus amātī/amātae/amāta estis amātī/amātae/amāta sunt
amātus/amāta/amātum eram PLUPERFECT Formed by using the Imperfect of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum eram
amātus/amāta/amātum eram amātus/amāta/amātum erās PLUPERFECT Formed by using the Imperfect of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum eram amātus/amāta/amātum erās
PLUPERFECT Formed by using the Imperfect of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum eram amātus/amāta/amātum erās amātus/amāta/amātum erat
PLUPERFECT Formed by using the Imperfect of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum eram amātus/amāta/amātum erās amātus/amāta/amātum erat amātī/amātae/amāta erāmus
PLUPERFECT Formed by using the Imperfect of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum eram amātus/amāta/amātum erās amātus/amāta/amātum erat amātī/amātae/amāta erāmus amātī/amātae/amāta erātis
PLUPERFECT Formed by using the Imperfect of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum eram amātus/amāta/amātum erās amātus/amāta/amātum erat amātī/amātae/amāta erāmus amātī/amātae/amāta erātis amātī/amātae/amāta erant
amātus/amāta/amātum erō FUTURE PERFECT Formed by using the future of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum erō
amātus/amāta/amātum erō amātus/amāta/amātum eris FUTURE PERFECT Formed by using the future of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum erō amātus/amāta/amātum eris
FUTURE PERFECT Formed by using the future of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum erō amātus/amāta/amātum eris amātus/amāta/amātum erit
FUTURE PERFECT Formed by using the future of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum erō amātus/amāta/amātum eris amātus/amāta/amātum erit amātī/amātae/amāta erimus
FUTURE PERFECT Formed by using the future of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum erō amātus/amāta/amātum eris amātus/amāta/amātum erit amātī/amātae/amāta erimus amātī/amātae/amāta eritis
FUTURE PERFECT Formed by using the future of esse with the past participle amātus/amāta/amātum erō amātus/amāta/amātum eris amātus/amāta/amātum erit amātī/amātae/amāta erimus amātī/amātae/amāta eritis amātī/amātae/amāta erunt
In these perfect tenses, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject of the verb in the same way that all adjectives do: mercātor ā barbarīs captus erat The merchant had been captured by the barbarians fīliae ā iuvenibus amātae sunt The daughters were loved by the young men computātrum ā puerīs frāctum est The computer was broken by the boys.
Supply the correct endings to the participles in these sentences: Melissa ab omnibus amāt__ est Faber ab architectō vituperāt__ erat Iūlia et Metella ā mercātōre dēcept__ sunt Computātra in multīs tabernīs posit__ erant
Supply the correct endings to the participles in these sentences: Melissa āb omnibus amāta est Faber ab architectō vituperāt__ erat Iūlia et Metella ā mercātōre dēcept__ sunt Computātra in multīs tabernīs posit__ erant
Supply the correct endings to the participles in these sentences: Melissa āb omnibus amāta est Faber ab architectō vituperātus erat Iūlia et Metella ā mercātōre dēcept__ sunt Computātra in multīs tabernīs posit__ erant
Supply the correct endings to the participles in these sentences: Melissa āb omnibus amāta est Faber ab architectō vituperātus erat Iūlia et Metella ā mercātōre dēceptae sunt Computātra in multīs tabernīs posit__ erant
Supply the correct endings to the participles in these sentences: Melissa āb omnibus amāta est Faber ab architectō vituperātus erat Iūlia et Metella ā mercātōre dēceptae sunt Computātra in multīs tabernīs posita erant
DEPONENT VERBS A group of verbs which have passive forms but active meaning They therefore have only three principal parts (e.g. loquor, loquī, locūtus sum - speak) Their perfect participle, which is active in meaning, is introduced in CLC Stage 22.
DEPONENT VERBS These verbs are also sometimes known informally as `cross-dressing verbs’ So we have….
DEPONENT OR CROSS-DRESSING VERBS (loquor, loqueris etc.)
Supply the correct forms of loquor from this list to complete the sentences below: loquor, loqueris, loquitur, loquimur, loquiminī, loquuntur QUĪNTUS: Marce, ________ne Latīnē?’ MARCUS: paululum ________ sed frāter melius ________ quam ego. nōnne tū et Iūlia Graecē __________? QĪNTUS: Minimē. nōs tantum Anglicē Sīnicē et Germānicē __________. pater et māter tamen Graecē optimē __________. MARCUS: familia tua est doctissima!
Supply the correct forms of loquor from this list to complete the sentences below: loquor, loqueris, loquitur, loquimur, loquiminī, loquuntur QUĪNTUS: Marce, loquerisne Latīnē?’ MARCUS: paululum ________ sed frāter meus melius______ quam ego. nōnne tū et Iūlia Graecē __________? QĪNTUS: minimē. nōs tantum Anglicē Sīnicē et Germānicē __________. pater et māter tamen Graecē optimē __________. MARCUS: familia tua est doctissima!
Supply the correct forms of loquor from this list to complete the sentences below: loquor, loqueris, loquitur, loquimur, loquiminī, loquuntur QUĪNTUS: Marce, loquerisne Latīnē?’ MARCUS: paululum loquor sed frāter melius ________ quam ego. nōnne tū et Iūlia Graecē __________? QĪNTUS: minimē. nōs tantum Anglicē Sīnicē et Germānicē __________. pater et māter tamen Graecē optimē __________. MARCUS: familia tua est doctissima!
Supply the correct forms of loquor from this list to complete the sentences below: loquor, loqueris, loquitur, loquimur, loquiminī, loquuntur QUĪNTUS: Marce, loquerisne Latīnē?’ MARCUS: paululum loquor sed frāter melius loquitur quam ego. nōnne tū et Iūlia Graecē __________? QĪNTUS: minimē. nōs tantum Anglicē Sīnicē et Germānicē __________. pater et māter tamen Graecē optimē __________. MARCUS: familia tua est doctissima!
Supply the correct forms of loquor from this list to complete the sentences below: loquor, loqueris, loquitur, loquimur, loquiminī, loquuntur QUĪNTUS: Marce, loquerisne Latīnē?’ MARCUS: paululum loquor sed frāter melius loquitur quam ego. nōnne tū et Iūlia Graecē loquiminī? QUĪNTUS: minimē. nōs tantum Anglicē Sīnicē et Germānicē __________. pater et māter tamen Graecē optimē __________. MARCUS: familia tua est doctissima!
Supply the correct forms of loquor from this list to complete the sentences below: loquor, loqueris, loquitur, loquimur, loquiminī, loquuntur QUĪNTUS: Marce, loquerisne Latīnē?’ MARCUS: paululum loquor sed frāter melius loquitur quam ego. nōnne tū et Iūlia Graecē loquiminī? QĪNTUS: minimē. nōs tantum Anglicē Sīnicē et Germānicē loquimur. pater et māter tamen Graecē optimē __________. MARCUS: familia tua est doctissima!
Supply the correct forms of loquor from this list to complete the sentences below: loquor, loqueris, loquitur, loquimur, loquiminī, loquuntur QUĪNTUS: Marce, loquerisne Latīnē?’ MARCUS: paululum loquor sed frāter melius loquitur quam ego. nōnne tū et Iūlia Graecē loquiminī? QĪNTUS: minimē. nōs tantum Anglicē Sīnicē et Germānicē loquimur. pater et māter tamen Graecē optimē loquuntur. MARCUS: familia tua est doctissima!
DEPONENT PERFECT TENSES Formed in exactly the same was as with passive verbs. i.e. with the past participle and esse locūtus sum I (masc.) spoke locūtus erat He (masc) had spoken locūtī erāmus We (masc)had spoken locūtae ērunt They (fem) will have spoken locūtae erātis You (fem pl) had spoken locūta es You (fem sg) have spoken
PASSIVE/DEPONENT IMPERATIVE Singular is identical to the active infinitive form of the conjugation: amāre, be loved! habēre, be had! regere, be ruled! cōnāre, try! Plural is identical to the indicative 2nd. Person plural form: amāminī, habēminī, regiminī, cōnāminī,
Translate the motto in this self-portrait of 17th century Italian painter Salvator Rosa