The Maryland Association for Healthcare Quality (MAHQ) Welcome to The Maryland Association for Healthcare Quality (MAHQ)
MAHQ The Maryland Association for Healthcare Quality (MAHQ) is a non profit professional organization chartered by the state of Maryland for a membership interested in healthcare quality. The purpose of this Association is to provide opportunities to advance the practice of quality improvement and patient safety in healthcare organizations and to support the professional development of healthcare professionals through education, advocacy, and communication.
MAHQ MAHQ was founded in 1977 by a group of utilization coordinators. During the 1980's the scope of the organization was expanded to include quality review professionals. In 1992, reflecting multiple industry changes, MAHQ grew again to become an organization open to all who are involved with promoting the science and practice of healthcare quality management. MAHQ is one of the oldest organizations for healthcare quality professionals in the country. In CY 2017, MAHQ will celebrate 40 years of advancing the healthcare quality mission.
MAHQ The Structure of MAHQ: Bylaws: The Association may amend the Bylaws by a majority vote. Bylaw review is an annual responsibility of the Board of Directors. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall be composed of eight (8) to ten (10) individuals to include: The President, The President-Elect, The Immediate Past President, The Secretary, The Treasurer, The Treasurer-Elect, and at least two (2) but no more than four (4) Members-at-Large. Members: Any individual desiring membership in the Association shall submit an application accompanied by the required annual dues. In CY 2016, there was a total of 124 active members in good standing.
MAHQ One of many benefits of membership include and opportunity to further the aims of the association by serving on the MAHQ Board and/or various committees. Members of MAHQ are most welcome to help with the functions of the Board by becoming an active member of one of the Current Committees: The Education Committee The Membership Committee The Sponsorship Committee The Communications/Newsletter Committee - New for 2017
MAHQ The Education Committee has the responsibility to develop/coordinate seminars and the educational sessions of each meeting of the membership with the assistance of MAHQ members or others as approved by the Board of Directors. Special tasks may include: - Securing the education venue - Arranging catering for the education session - Securing speakers and topics - Preparing the education session course evaluation - Obtaining CEU’s from The National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)
MAHQ The Membership Committee has the responsibility of recruiting membership on a state level and the responsibility of communicating with the membership through various means. Special tasks may include: - Preparing an e-mail for annual renewal membership - Preparing a welcome letter for new and returning members - Follow-up phone calls to new members - Arranging for an annual gift for new members
MAHQ The Sponsorship Committee has the role of contacting new and current sponsors prior to the next calendar year to request continued donation support for MAHQ. Special tasks may include: - Reaching out to vendors for sponsorship - Communication with sponsors throughout the year - Securing annual renewal of sponsorship
MAHQ The Communications/Newsletter Committee is a special committee with the role of reviewing communications to the MAHQ membership via the MAHQ newsletter, the MAHQ website, and/or email distribution list under the guidance of the President and the President Elect. Special tasks may include: - Authoring articles for the quarterly newsletter - Encouraging others to provide articles - Keeping the MAHQ website tabs clean and up to date - Archiving MAHQ Board materials on the website - Making ongoing improvements to the website and communications
Welcome to MAHQ! The Board of Directors looks forward to working with each and every member in facilitating leadership opportunities for your professional growth and networking as a practicing quality professional.