Buddhist Populations
Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama
Siddhartha Gautama (563-483) Born in Nepal just north of India Raised in a palace of luxury to be a king At 29 he rejected his luxurious life to seek enlightenment and the source of suffering Lived a strict ascetic life for 6 years Sat in meditation and found Nirvana Became the Buddha and known as the Enlightened One at 35
Essence of Buddhism Desire is the fundamental cause of all suffering and Buddhism sees this through “Four Noble Truths” Truth of Suffering – Life has inevitable suffering Cause of Suffering – Craving and Fundamental ignorance Path of Suffering – Contained in the eight fold path End of Suffering
Essence of Buddhism Meditation is used to transcend worldly desires Buddhists follow an “Eight Fold Path” to reach Nirvana Nirvana is an “Enlightened State”