Playfulness in Tech Integration Kids Having Fun Learning to Code NAEYC Professional Learning Institute, Sunday, June 10, Austin, Texas
Playfulness in Tech Integration Start here: Go to Click on CREATE. Tell the cat what to do, using block code in Scripts. Explore Tips: Getting Started with Scratch as needed. Use #ScratchEd to tag our work. Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration or Start Here Scratch Jr. Download the App Playfulness in Tech Integration
Technology and Interactive Media as Tools (2012) A joint position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at Saint Vincent College Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration Interactive media … refers to digital and analog materials, including software programs, applications (apps), broadcast and streaming media, some children’s television programming, e-books, the Internet, and other forms of content designed to facilitate active and creative use by young children and to encourage social engagement with other children and adults. (p.1) Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration Passive use of technology and any type of screen media is an inappropriate replacement for active play, engagement with other children, and interactions with adults. (p.4) Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration Effective uses of technology and media are active, hands-on, engaging, and empowering; give the child control; provide adaptive scaffolds to ease the accomplishment of tasks; and are used as one of many options to support children’s learning. (p. 6) Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration digital citizenship … refers to the need for adults and children to be responsible digital citizens through an understanding of the use, abuse, and misuse of technology as well as the norms of appropriate, responsible, and ethical behaviors related to online rights, roles, identity, safety, security, and communication. (p. 10) Playfulness in Tech Integration
Lifelong kindergarten Group MIT Media Lab Lifelong kindergarten Group Playfulness in Tech Integration
Lifelong Kindergarten … learning through PROJECTS that children are PASSIONATE about in collaboration with PEERS in a PLAYFUL spirit. Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration Start here: Go to Click on CREATE. Tell the cat what to do, using block code in Scripts. Explore Tips: Getting Started with Scratch as needed. Use #ScratchEd to tag our work. Playfulness in Tech Integration Sign up for a Teacher Account Join ScratchED Find a ScratchEd Meetup Go ask a Librarian! Read, read, READ – Creative Computing Curriculum Guide Play, play, PLAY with kids on Scratch Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration Analog Codeapillar Wonder Robots Tanagrams Soduku Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration Tweet! #ScratchEd @Scratch @mres @ScratchEdTeam @FredRogersCtr @TEC_Center #naeycINST Don’t forget Facebook – ScratchTeam Playfulness in Tech Integration
Playfulness in Tech Integration Mess Wright Techie Factory 5600 Lovers Lane #207 Dallas, Texas @codepioneer Josh Thompson Texas A&M University-Commerce 214-663-6102 @billyjoshtex Playfulness in Tech Integration