B. Dongmo Nguimfack AMDS TCO Unit/HIV, WHO Global Price Reporting Mechanism (GPRM); ARV Drug Regulatory Status Database (DRS); ARV Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Survey Data (API): relevance and options for the future B. Dongmo Nguimfack AMDS TCO Unit/HIV, WHO
What is AMDS The AMDS is a network of technical partner organisations that work to support countries in procurement and supply management of HIV commodities. The secretariat of this network is housed in WHO/HIV Department. The AMDS operates as a clearing house, collecting and disseminating strategic information: Prices, availability and regulatory status of ARVs, technical information of HIV diagnostics and other HIV-related health supplies (http://www.who.int/hiv/amds/en/)
AMDS Clearing House: AMDS Information Platform PQ (EMP) Regula-tory status Fore-casting portal (surveys, back-ground, papers) Treat-ment guide-lines repo-sitory Global Price Repor-ting Mecha-nism API Opioïd Sub-stitution Therapy data-base Capacity building tools: PSM Toolbox HTM Corpo- rate Pricing Policies (MSF) HTM HTM H HT H H H H
GPRM: background - current use
GPRM: background - current use
Screenshot of data export ABC + 3TC 60 + 30 mg here GPRM: background - current use Screenshot of data export ABC + 3TC 60 + 30 mg here
Screenshot data export facility opening page GPRM: background - current use Screenshot data export facility opening page
Screenshot of excel ABC + 3TC 60 + 30 mg GPRM: background - current use Screenshot of excel ABC + 3TC 60 + 30 mg
GPRM: Limitations Data from 80 countries and 2492 transactions in 2014 – but only public sector procurement (PEPFAR supported, GFATM supported, + UNICEF, IDA, UNITAID, CHAI, MISSIONPHARMA, WHO CPS) Time lag: quarterly reporting by data providers and reporting delay from their data suppliers makes delay unavoidable. Low frequency procurement (<5 transactions), donations (0 price) and transactions of which price is (can)not (be) communicated is not visible. Bias toward good procurement practices. Limited public visibility.
Summary report Country profile reports GPRM: How we used it Summary report Country profile reports Data provision to other reports UA report MIC report Data on volumes sold / trends to produce annual forecast of future demand (with UNAIDS, SCMS, FUTURES INSTITUTE, CHAI, GFATM) (triangulation with ARV survey) Publicized it to programme and supply managers: I+ Solutions, UNDP, EMP staff workshops AMD newsletter
GPRM: Impact Anecdotal reports that country supply managers are using the GPRM Procurement partners use it to assess own performance Use in academic papers
GPRM: Imagine you wanted to access the GPRM - you need to be persistent - we need to be smarter in our referencing Imagine you wanted to access the GPRM: You go to the WHO website You search for "GPRM" - you find it – it is on the first line in your search, but you have to go down all the way to the bottom of the landing page to access it You search for "prices of HIV medicines" – you don't find it - you end up on the EMP website where the existence of a 2005 document is publicized and where you find a link to the 2013 edition of "Untangling the web…" You search for "price of AIDS drugs" – you might find it if you are really persistent You go to Google – "price of AIDS drugs" – you will not find it in the first 5 screens (but will find the EMP page) You go to Yahoo - "price of HIV medicines" - you will not find it in the first 5 screens (but will find the EMP page)
ARV Drug Regulatory Status Database (DRS) Screenshot here
ARV Drug Regulatory Status Database (DRS) Uses: Emergency procurement Civil society: Accountability of manufacturers Legal uses: provides prima facie evidence of availability of ARVs Limitations Manufacturers derived data Only PQ's and stringently regulated products – domestic products which don't comply with GFATM quality standards are not included Limited public visibility
ARV Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Survey Data (API)
Expand to other therapeutic areas TB, Malaria Hepatitis What could be done more? Expand to other therapeutic areas TB, Malaria Hepatitis Reproductive health Expand to diagnostics Better WEB and internet referencing Link different databases - perhaps also to those external to WHO Increase reporting on domestic procurement in GPRM or related database Automate country profile production (and publicize it on WEB?) Publicize in peer review papers 11/21/2018
URL for the different databases Global Price Reporting Mechanism (GPRM): http://www.who.int/hiv/amds/price/hdd/ The Drug Regulatory Status Database: http://www.who.int/hiv/amds/patents_registration/drs/ Country profile https://www.dropbox.com/home/Country%20Profiles email:amds@who.int password:AMDSHIVWHO PSM Toolbox website: http://psmtoolbox.org/en/ SOURCES AND PRICES OF ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENTS http://www.who.int/hiv/amds/api.pdf Controlled Medicines: http://www.who.int/entity/hiv/amds/ControlledMedicineDatabase.xls Forecasting antiretroviral demand: http://www.who.int/hiv/amds/forecasting/en/index.html 11/21/2018
Contacts Boniface Dongmo Nguimfack dongmonguimfackb@who.int Global Price Reporting Mechanism (GPRM) The Drug Regulatory Status Database SOURCES AND PRICES OF ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENTS Controlled Medicines Summary report from the Global Price Reporting Mechanism Country Procurement Profiles Vincent Habiyambere habiyamberev@who.int PSM Toolbox Forecasting antiretroviral demand ARV use survey 11/21/2018
http://apps.who.int/hiv/amds/price/hdd/ 11/21/2018