Using CPS for Capital Investment Prioritisation Cover slide Style 4 (choose one, delete the rest) Using CPS for Capital Investment Prioritisation Property & Capital Planning Paul Mortimer Gordon Stewart Asset Management Policy Advisor Estate & Asset Management Advisor
The Strategic Assessment & Capital Planning System Slide style containing only text The Strategic Assessment & Capital Planning System Strategic Assessments used to review investment priorities: Available capital may be lower than investment plans Scottish Government need to identify their investment priorities Boards need to identify their investment priorities Strategic Assessments to form basis of prioritisation It is the 1st stage of SCIM 2017 PAMS requirement to report priorities The CPS enables consistent approach to prioritisation Must be a collaborative approach N.B. Body Copy always uses Dark Blue NHS colour.
Capital Planning System Image Only Slide CPS: Capital Planning System Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” N.B. Always leave enough white space (margin) around the image, so it can breathe. N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes)
What is the CPS for? Images Only Slide What do we own (uploaded from EAMS)? Condition and cost forecasting Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” Prioritisation of what we own.... and of your Strategic Assessments N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes)
The CPS part of completing a Strategic Assessment. Login to the CPS: Image Only Slide The CPS part of completing a Strategic Assessment. Login to the CPS: Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” N.B. Always leave enough white space (margin) around the image, so it can breathe. N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes)
NHS Scotland - User Guides Image Only Slide NHS Scotland - User Guides Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” N.B. Always leave enough white space (margin) around the image, so it can breathe. N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes)
X Entering a Strategic Assessments Scoring 4 4 4 4 4 20 Image Only Slide Entering a Strategic Assessments Scoring Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” 4 4 N.B. Always leave enough white space (margin) around the image, so it can breathe. 4 4 N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes) 4 X 20
Enter Strategic Assessment Scores into the CPS Image Only Slide Enter Strategic Assessment Scores into the CPS Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” N.B. Always leave enough white space (margin) around the image, so it can breathe. N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes)
Run the Capital Investment prioritisation strategy Image Only Slide Run the Capital Investment prioritisation strategy Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” N.B. Always leave enough white space (margin) around the image, so it can breathe. N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes)
Extract of Example of Prioritisation Results Image Only Slide Extract of Example of Prioritisation Results Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” N.B. Always leave enough white space (margin) around the image, so it can breathe. N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes)
Strategic Assessment Scoring Image Only Slide Strategic Assessment Scoring Shadow effect to be used: “Drop Shadow Rectangle” 4 4 N.B. Always leave enough white space (margin) around the image, so it can breathe. 4 4 N.B. When scaling images/objects, please hold Shift key while scaling, to keep proportional shapes) 4 78
Who should be involved? Capital Investment Prioritisation: Slide style containing only text Who should be involved? Capital Investment Prioritisation: Estate Managers Capital Planners Service Leads Finance Directors Other Stakeholders N.B. Body Copy always uses Dark Blue NHS colour.
Estate Asset Management Team contacts If you need access to the CPS or have any problems: Gordon Stewart 0141 300 1112 Robert Gray 0141 300 1406 Sharon De Sykes 0141 207 1826
CPS User Groups We hold CPS User groups on a 6 monthly basis. These are followed by a Newsletter e-mailed to all Users. Next CPS User Group 12th October 2016