Stronger Economies Together Region C- Polk, McDowell, Rutherford and Cleveland Counties USDA, Isothermal Community college, and Isothermal Planning and Development Commission
Vision We are a regional coalition which values economic diversity and collaboration. Together we share risks and rewards in order to build opportunities for our citizens. We are a network of the surrounding economic engines with internal and external partners that enhance economic growth. We envision a regional brokerage of assets and talent development that improve individual household wealth and enhance community strength.
Goal 1 - By 2021, increase the number of new agribusiness while increasing the profitability of existing agribusiness in the region. Strategy 1.1 – Regional wide farmland preservation plan that balances rural verses urban use. Strategy 1.2 – Creating investment opportunities fund for new production of old farms. Strategy 1.3 – Bridging agriculture market centers in the region.
Goal 2 – By 2021, Develop a Manufacturing Eco System that attracts, creates and/or expands businesses within targeted industry clusters so that there is a 5% increase in their export value or 5% decrease in their regional leakage; using 2014 data as the baseline measurement. An Eco System is a network Strategy 2.1 – Establish a Regional Venture Capital Fund Supportive of the Manufacturing Ecosystem Strategy 2.2 – Provide Incentives for Innovation among Manufacturing Ecosystem Partners Strategy 2.3 – Grow a Regional Manufacturing Ecosystem Supply Chain Strategy 2.4 – Develop the NC Foothills Consortium of Education & Training Providers Strategy 2.5 – Develop Career Pathways for the Regional Manufacturing Ecosystem
Goal 3 – (Build Pathways to better jobs: diversity, education, rural, training/education, transportation in rural communities, our people, high end service industry, articulate career pathways educate population,) Strategy 3.1 – Testimonials for peer groups (success stories) [?] Strategy 3.2 – Industry tours for students, parents and educators [?] Strategy 3.3 – Employers help build program [?]
Goal 4 – (Promote Quality of Life; entertainment, active living, healthcare access points, rural, mountain connection, music, diverse food options, poverty housing, enhance built environment, affordable, heritage cultural arts,) Strategy 4.1 – Develop a regional narrative that shifts cultural story and engages community. Strategy 4.2 – Fund a champion to communicate narrative Strategy 4.3 – Create an intentionally positive powerful message.
Goal 5 – (Increase economic impact of tourism in the region) Strategy 5.1 – Government leaders annual presentation of impact model results Strategy 5.2 – Business owners – monthly customer service training Strategy 5.3 – Citizens – submitting articles and blog posts about resources, references, options. Strategy 5.4 – Industry leaders – join and attend local, regional and state organizational meetings – plug into partners. Strategy 5.5 – Tell the TIEC story , ripple effect through region Strategy 5.6 – Leverage existing regional events and activities
Goal 6 – (Establish a regional economic development collaborative) Strategy 6.1 – Use NC Case studies on successful regional collaboration Strategy 6.2 – Develop a regional leadership program/network Strategy 6.3 – International sister cities Strategy 6.4 – IPDC conducts campaign