Jeopardy The Game of Knowledge
Road to Revolution Taxes People Vocabulary Various 100 100 100 100 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Taxes $100? Tax on all Sugar and Molasses
Taxes for $100 The Sugar Act
Taxes $200? Tax on all legal documents
Taxes $200 Answer Stamp Act
Taxes $300? Tax on all Household Items
Taxes Answer: $300 Townshend Acts
Taxes $400? This law forbade colonists to move West of the Appalachian Mountains
Taxes $400 Answer Proclamation Line of 1763
Taxes $500? Cause of the Boston Tea Party. The Tax on Tea.
Taxes $500 Answer Tea Act
To Protest-refusal to buy goods Vocabulary $100? To Protest-refusal to buy goods
Vocabulary $100 Answer BOYCOTT
The Unjust Use of Government Power Vocabulary $200? The Unjust Use of Government Power
Vocabulary $200 Answer Tyranny
To go against one’s country Vocabulary $300? To go against one’s country
Vocabulary $300 Answer TREASON
Groups of Civilians trained to fight in case of emergencies Vocabulary $400? Groups of Civilians trained to fight in case of emergencies
Vocabulary $400 Answer MILITIA
Vocabulary $500? Unalienable Rights
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness Vocabulary $500 Answer Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Various $100? The Religious Revival that swept through the colonies
Various $100 Answer The Great Awakening
Various $200? The man put in charge of the Continental Army by the Continental Congress
Various $200 Answer George Washington
Various $300? Britain felt that signing the Declaration of Independance was an act of…
Various $300 Answer TREASON
Various $400? The purpose of the First Continental Congress
Find a Peaceful solution with Great Britain Various $400 Answer Find a Peaceful solution with Great Britain
Various $500? Paul Revere’s Engraving was an example Anti-British Propaganda as a result of this event
Various $500 Answer The Boston Massacre
People $100? Author of the Declaration of Independence
People $100 Answer Thomas Jefferson
People $200 Author of the Declaration was inspire by this English Philosopher
People $200 Answer John Locke
People $300? Author of Common Sense
People $300 Answer Thomas Paine
People $400? Author of the Albany Plan of Union
People $400? Benjamin Franklin
People $500? This British Soldier was sent to command the French to leave the Ohio River Valley
People $500 Answer George Washington