The Beginning of a New Nation TCI Chapter 8.4 The Beginning of a New Nation
What does this mean? Turn and talk. …”The ‘just powers’ of governments came from ‘the consent of the governed.’” What does this mean? Turn and talk.
Constitutional Convention (8.4) 1787, Independence Hall Meeting in Philadelphia where delegates states met to discuss issues of the AofC: RI did not attend White, upper class, educated MEN 55 delegates = rep. independent states Hot & humid conditions, making delegates grumpy Proposals for a new type of document Compromises would need to be made! Click image for video clip
James Madison (8.4) “Father of the Constitution” From VA Greatest impact on formation of document Had the presence of mind to think about both the structure needed to run a country (Constitution) but listen to the people’s issues later (Bill of Rights) BrainPop Click image for video clip
Enlightenment (8.4) “Age of Reason” in 17th & 18th Europe Great thinkers Rational thought led to truth re: society & nature John Locke (Thoreau & Emerson will be biggies in America) “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”
Republic/Republicanism (8.4) Belief in a system that elects representatives for the people US Citizens did not want leaders to have too much power like a monarchy Gave people a voice in future governmental decisions Did not discriminate based on wealth (supposedly)
Constitution (8.4) Document outlining beliefs, rules and principles of gov. Used state constitutions as a model for new US version. Questions to be addressed: Representation Slavery Power of national govt. vs. state govt’s. Who will be leader
Processing Questions (8.4) The delegates had differing views on how powerful the national government should be. What did the delegates for a strong national government believe? Delegates, including Madison, feared that without a strong national government things would be the same as they were under the AofC. If the federal government is weak, it cannot protect it’s citizens. What did the delegates for stronger state government (or weaker national government) believe? Adams, Hancock, and Henry feared that a stronger national government would hurt the rights of states and its citizens.