Walk-In Write this week’s Agenda for World History. Hand in any T-shirt orders.
Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box.. At the BACK of your notebook, copy the question and answer in sentences: Why was the transition to humans being HOMINIDS so important to human development?
Hominids When humans evolved to being hominids, they had the ability to walk upright on two feet. This allowed them to use their arms and hands for other purposes than just moving. They developed stone tools, better abilities to hunt or find foods, and a stronger ability to protect themselves.
The Stone Age
Learning Goal for today TSWBAT explain the meaning of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Ages, and tell what developments occurred in each.
What is the significance of this change?
Activity Fold your paper in half, to make a booklet. Write the title The Stone Age at the top of the first page. On the next pages, write these titles: Paleolithic Age Mesolithic Age Neolithic Age
The Stone Age (front cover) The Stone Age is a PREHISTORIC period of time when hominids (early humans who walked upright) made and used the first stone tools.
On each page of your mini-book Read pages 32-33 of textbook. Write: the dates it occurred in, and the major characteristics and accomplishments of that age. Use the chart on page 32 to help you. Create a picture that illustrates a major development of that age.
If you finish early, Get a laptop or iPad. Use Google to look up: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Tools used in each period Draw pictures of what you find on the appropriate page.
Summary – Front Cover Write these notes on your cover page, under The Stone Age. Major developments included: Invention of tools Being able to master the use of fire Development of language Farming (raising animals and growing crops)
The Stone Age In Pictures In this web quest, you will look at pictures of fossils from discoveries about the past. After viewing the pictures, make INFERENCES (figure things out) from what you see in the photos. Web quest is on the class web page, for today’s date. Answer the questions in complete sentences.