Pre-Snap Responsibilities LN LN: After referee signals next down number, signal number of next down and check down-marker number. LN/LJ: Count defensive players and indicate to back judge that you have counted the defense. LN/LJ: Position: Straddle the line of scrimmage on the sideline. LN/LJ: Make sure there are a minimum of seven offensive players on line-of-scrimmage. LN/LJ: Watch for encroachment or false start. LN/LJ: Identify eligible receivers on your side. LN/LJ: Be alert for illegal substitutions. LN/LJ: Use extended-arm signal and hold until snap to indicate closest offensive player is off line of scrimmage. BJ: 15 to 20 yards beyond defensive line of scrimmage and always deeper than deepest defensive back. BJ: Time 25-second count including providing a visible count of the last 5 seconds when on field 25-second clocks are not utilized. BJ: Count defensive players and indicate to the wing men that you have counted the defense. U: Note defensive players on the line of scrimmage in the free blocking zone. U: Check that five players numbered 50-79 are on Offensive line and be aware of ineligible receivers. U: Do not interfere with vision or movement of defensive backs. U: Check number of offensive players and indicate to referee that you have counted the offense. U: Take position usually 4 to 7 yards behind Team B's line and between O's tackles, keeping snap in view. U: Watch for interference with snap, false start or encroachment. U: Spot and remain over ball, facing referee until ready-for-play signal U U: Vary position so players cannot use you as interference. BJ R R: Check one-second count after huddle or shift. Snap irregularities and movement of linemen. Count number of Offensive players and signal to umpire.. R: Declare ball ready-for-play by using established procedure. R: Be alert for illegal shift or player in motion. R: After ball is spotted: Move to a position that is visible to clock operator, approximately 10 yards from the line-of-scrimmage and 5 yards wide of the huddle. On passing arm side of quarterback. Able to view tackle on far side and backs. LJ
Formation Position and Numbering At the snap at least 7 offensive players must be on the line of scrimmage. At the snap at least 5 offensive players must be numbered 50-79. On 1st,2nd or 3rd down if A shifts into a kick formation the center can be any number 1-49 or 80-99. On 4th down in a kick formation A may have any player 1-49 or 80-99 in any position on the line.
Ineligible by position 81 This is a legal formation. There are At least 5 players numbered 50-79 On the line of scrimmage. LN Is this is a legal formation? Ineligible by number 71/76 71 Who are the eligible receivers In this formation? 70 31 U 61 12 50 R BJ 76 60 Ineligible by position 81 81 80 Eligible 89, 80 and 31 89 LJ
LN Prior to the snap 81 moves back Off the line then 80 moves up on. 81 Is this a legal formation? 88 61 31 U This is a legal formation. At least 5 players number 50-79 are on the line of scrimmage. Eligible receivers. Proper number and position. 12 50 60 BJ R 76 71 Who’s eligible/ineligible? 80 Ineligible by position 89 LJ
LN Number 30 lines up at center in a normal formation and the ball is snapped. 80 88 61 U 31 12 30 BJ 60 R 76 71 81 Number 30 is illegal by number. The penalty is simultaneous with the snap. Penalty is 5 yards from basic spot if accepted. 89 LJ
The Snap The snappers feet must be behind the neutral zone. His head may be in the neutral zone, but not beyond the foremost point of the ball. The ball may be preliminarily adjusted after which he may not make a movement that simulates a snap. The snapper may not remove a hand(s) once he has placed them on the ball and the ready for play whistle has sounded. The snap must be one continuous motion in which the ball leaves the hands of the snapper and must touch an A team non-lineman or the ground before a lineman my touch it.
The center removes both hands. The center rotates the ball end over end. The center lifts the ball and pushes It forward as if to make a deep snap. Ball has been made ready for play the center lifts the ball for a lateral rotation. This legal 7.1.2
Line of Scrimmage No. 88 is not on the line because Neither his head or his foot break The plane through the snappers waist No. 88 is legally on the line.
Encroachment/False start After the ball is ready for play and before the snap all players must be within the 9 yard marks. Not more than one A team player may be in motion at the snap and then only if he does not move toward the line. After a shift all players must come to a stop for one second before the ball is snapped. No player other than the snapper can be in the neutral zone after the ball has been placed ready for play.
When A comes to the line of scrimmage 5 linemen penetrate the vertical plane through the waist of the snapper. The 6th player penetrates the vertical plane of the player closest to him. 6 It is an illegal formation, which is a foul simultaneous with the snap. The defense Will have the option of the result of the play or a 5 yard penalty from the previous Spot and have the down re-played. 7.1.6 A
When A comes to the line of scrimmage 5 linemen penetrate the vertical plane through the waist of the snapper. The 6th player has his head penetrating the neutral zone. 6 It is an encroachment for a player to have any part of his body penetrating the plane Of the neutral zone, after the ready and once the center has placed his hands on the Ball. This is a dead ball foul and the ball should not be allowed to become live. 5 yards Will be accessed from the previous spot. 7.1.6 A
Following the snap A89 goes Downfield and catches a legal Forward pass from A1 A1 This is illegal participation. It would be Illegal substitution if the whistle is Blown before the play starts. Illegal substitution is 5 yards from the previous spot. Illegal participation is 15. A89 stops 5 yards from the sideline A89 comes on the field as a Substitute for A93 It is illegal participation to use a player, replaced player in a substitution to deceive opponents at or immediately before the snap. 7.2.1 A A93 A89
While the QB is calling signals B1 starting from a position 5 yards Behind his line charges toward The line causing A4 to flinch. A4 B1 If B1 did not enter the neutral zone the penalty is on A4. Blow and throw. Penalty is 5 yards from basic spot. If B1 did enter the neutral zone the penalty is on B1 for encroachment Penalty is 5 yards from the previous spot. 7.1.7 C