ADVANCED BEGINNING REQUIRED PSYC 101 BIOL 101/111 PSYC 201 PSYC 220 NOTES 1) All FUNDAMENTAL courses are required (101-401). 2) Two SCIENCE LAB ELECTIVES (310-313) are required plus BIOL 101 or 111. 3) A total of 4 ELECTIVE courses are required; at least 2 from the FOUNDATIONS category (at any level), and at least 2 at the 300/400 level. 4) Core courses, including first-year seminars, do not count toward the major. Psychology majors may count PSYC 225 toward the major but not the core. PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology BIOL 101/111 Introductory Biology COGNATE PSYC 201 Experimental Methodology and Applied Statistics I PSYC 220 Developmental: Prenatal-Childhood PSYC 221 Developmental: Adolescence - End of Life PSYC 225 Social Psychology PSYC 230 Behavioral Neuroscience PSYC 301 Statistics II PSYC 320 Psychological Disorders PSYC 325 History and Systems PSYC 330 Personality PSYC 335 Cognitive Psychology PSYC 401 Senior Capstone Seminar PSYC 490 Psychotherapy PSYC 495 Independent Study PSYC 497 Practicum PSYC 498 Internship P PSYC 350 Developmental Psychopathology PSYC 351 Language Development PSYC 355 Behavioral Genetics PSYC 356 Fundamentals of Neuropsychology PSYC 250 Human Sexuality PSYC 255 Industrial/ Organizational PSYC 260 Evolutionary Psychology PSYC 265 Cross-Cultural Psychology PSYC 310 Sensation, Perception & Action PSYC 311 Learning & Behavior PSYC 312 Applied Psychological Measurement PSYC 313 Physiological Psychology STS 318 Science & Gender STS 352 Memory in a Social Context CONN 320 Health and Medicine CONN 325 Experience of Prejudice CONN 357 Exploring Animal Minds 1st year 3rd year 4th year 2nd year BEGINNING ADVANCED SCIENCE LAB ELECTIVES (10-19) FOUNDATION ELECTIVES (20-39) SUPPORTING ELECTIVE COURSES (40-69) CORE COURSES TAUGHT BY PSYCHOLOGY FACULTY FUNDAMENTALS (01-09) ADVANCED & INDEPENDENT (90-99) PSYC 370 Special Topics PSYC 372 Illusions PSYC 373 Perceiving Self & Others PSYC 374 Romantic Relationships SEMINARS (70-79) REQUIRED NRSC 160 Broken Brain MATH 160 Introduction To Applied Statistics