Population Census Using Advanced Technology as Leverage for Capacity Building “ the Case of Jordan”
Background Jordan conducted its 2015 census using advanced technology. The census covered various aspects of the population -such as migration, education and health-. GIS allows disaggregation up to community level, and thus target policy interventions to the neediest.
Enhanced Capacity building in Department of Statistics. The use of advanced technology leverages capacity building in DoS. On job training for those working in programing, GIS, data center, call center, and technical support enhanced staff’s skills. DoS staff is now capable to implement all surveys and censuses using advanced tech. such as labor market, labor opportunities, tourism sector, and agriculture census.
Enhanced Capacity Building in Other Countries DOS is becoming a house of statistical experts. DOS enhances capacity building in MENA: Experts from Egypt and Palestine visited Jordan before and at the time of the census to learn from the experience. Experts from Saudi Arabia and Sudan visited Jordan after the census. Experts from Jordan visited Egypt and Sudan to relay the experience, answer questions and solve difficulties. Countries like Libya and Somalia conveyed their interest in visiting Jordan to learn from the experience.
Cont.… A Guideline for the Implementation of the census has been issued in Arabic. Jordan is a member of the taskforce that will elaborate the Technical Guidelines for the implementation of the electronic Census in cooperation with UNSD.
Dissemination of Census Data Census data provides a baseline for implementing the SDGs. Therefore, the data is disseminated using various tools: Conferences and workshops. Series of paper reports . Working papers on all aspects of the census. Main report is available on DoS’s Website. Statistical Atlas of Jordan . Census website including GIS Maps. Other Media tools.