STARTER: Brain Teaser A man and his son are driving in a car when it crashes, killing the father instantly. The boy is rushed to hospital and sent into surgery. The surgeon takes one look at him and says: “I can’t operate on him, he’s my son!” How is this possible? Answer: The surgeon is the boys mother.
Learning objectives You will be able to: Understand what is meant by “feminism” Explain the feminist approach to the study of families
Theories A theory is a view or perspective of society Examples: feminism functionalism Marxism
Sociological perspective Feminism
Feminist Starter: Guess the Statistics! 1) What chance does a woman have of being sexually assaulted over her life? 1 in 5 1 in 10 1 in 100 2) On average, how much less do women working full time earn than men? 50% less 17% less 5% less 3) In 2008 how many MP’s in the House of Commons were female? 55% 7% 19% 4) How many women will experience violence at the hands of a partner? 1 in 4 1 in 14 1 in 40
Guess the Answers 1) In which of these countries do women not have access to abortion legally? United Kingdom Germany Peru 2) Are women more likely to live in poverty than men in the UK? Yes No Only if they have children 3) In what year did Great Britain allow women to vote the same as men? 1916 1928 1954 4) Who is more likely to kill a woman than anyone else in the world? A soldier A rapist Her partner
Answers! 1) What chance does a woman have of being sexually assaulted over her life? 1 in 5 1 in 10 1 in 100 2) On average, how much less do women working full time earn than men? 50% less 17% less 5% less 3) In 2008 how many MP’s in the House of Commons were female? 55% 7% 19% 4) How many women will experience violence at the hands of a partner? 1 in 4 1 in 14 1 in 40
Answers 1) In which of these countries do women not have access to abortion legally? UK Germany Peru 2) Are women more likely to live in poverty than men in the UK? Yes No Only if they have children 3) In what year did Great Britain allow women to vote the same as men? 1916 1928 1954 4) Who is more likely to kill a woman than anyone else in the world? A soldier A rapist Her partner
WHAT IS A FEMINIST? Feminism – The theory of equality between men and women. This is What a Feminist Looks Like.mp4 Patriarchy – The idea that society is run by men for men. Pay Gap – The fact that women are paid less than men, often for doing the same job. Stereotyping – The process of assuming someone will be a certain way
What might feminists focus upon? 1. Segregated conjugal roles During the last two lessons we have looked at feminists such as Ann Oakley and Mary Boulten who all argue that women are often expected to perform more roles in the home. The man usually gets to pick and choose the roles he likes rather than an equal split. Moreover, Oakley stresses how women not only do most of the housework, they also are usually expected to go to work too
What might feminists focus upon? 2. Gendered domestic roles We also have found that males and females tend to perform roles that are linked to their gender. For example, the woman is more likely to iron and the man to mow the lawn. Dahl also importantly points out that men still are most likely to manage the money and take the most important decisions.
What Might Feminists focus upon? 3. Dark side of the family (domestic violence) Many feminists are very wary of heterosexual relationships because unfortunately so many of these relationships end up with abuse taking place (more often to the woman). Radical feminists go to the extreme and argue that women should never enter into a heterosexual relationship and should embrace political lesbianism.
Domestic violence statistics Choose two of the following to write down in your books In 2010 the Forced Marriage Unit responded to 1735 reports of possible Forced Marriages. Is the single most quoted reason for becoming homeless (Shelter, 2002) Accounts for 16% of all violent crime (Source: Crime in England and Wales 04/05 report), however it is still the violent crime least likely to be reported to the police Has more repeat victims than any other crime (on average there will have been 35 assaults before a victim calls the police) Leads to, on average, two women being murdered each week and 30 men per year Will affect 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men in their lifetime
Domestic violence statistics It has been estimated that domestic abuse costs the public £23 billion per year. The Home Office estimates that each domestic abuse murder costs the country just over £1 million and totals £112 million per year.
The feminist approach and the family handout A*-B MODEL ANSWER: Explain the feminist view of the family (4 marks) Feminists are critical of the family. They argue that the family has a negative impact on the lives of many women. Feminists argue the family is patriarchal. This means that men benefit from the family whilst women often suffer. For example, many women experience domestic violence within the family. Some feminists (called liberal feminists) believe that society is becoming more equal and that campaigns are raising awareness of issues such as domestic violence. However, radical feminists believe that little has changed and that men still hold power in society and in the family. Some radical feminists suggest political lesbianism as a solution to the patriarchal nature of the family. The feminist approach and the family handout A*-B
Plenary need-feminism thingswittyandneko-i-dont-need-feminism On your mini whiteboard finish this sentence “Feminism is important to me because…” Or “I don’t need feminism because…”