YEAR 10 PARENTS MEETING September 2013
Context: Accountability Teaching and learning Student identity and belonging Staff identity and belonging THE JOHN CLEVELAND WAY Aspiring to Excellence
John Cleveland College is a College which Aspires to Excellence in all that we do. It has clear values on which all decisions are based: Trust Co-operation Fairness Honesty Respect Equality Our aim is to develop the potential of each individual at the College.
To achieve this we will: Provide a caring, supportive, learning environment so everyone feels valued, safe and happy. Offer a curriculum which provides challenging, stimulating and enjoyable learning experiences. Deliver high quality teaching and learning. Expect and encourage all individuals to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. Develop good relationships with parents and students. Build partnerships for the benefit of all learners. Set high expectations for students and staff. Be collectively responsible to ensure our expectations are met and consistently applied.
Director of Learning Director of Learning Director of Learning Director of Learning Director of Learning Pastoral Managers: Mrs F Rogers Mrs F Rogers Mrs F Rogers Mrs D Jotham Mrs D Jotham (Year 11) Mrs D Jotham (Year 10) BRAME CHESSHER HANSOM ILIFFE NICHOLS Director of Learning – Mr R Blackley Associate Senior Leader – Mr P Morritt Head of House – Mrs F Rogers Learning Adviser – Mrs M Whitehurst Director of Learning – Mr C Leeming Associate Senior Leader – Mrs R Marshall Head of House – Mrs A Phillips Learning Adviser – Mrs G Whittingham Director of Learning – Mr R Dainty Associate Senior Leader – Mr T Fraine Head of House – Mrs A Leeming Learning Adviser – Mrs N Miller Director of Learning – Ms A Pathan Senior Leader – Mr P Craven Head of House – Mr M Howgate Learning Adviser – Mrs A Huggins Director of Learning – Mr G Price Senior Leader – Mrs D Guzzetta Head of House – Mrs D Jotham Learning Adviser – Mrs S Phillips (Maternity cover Mrs D Garratt)
Responsible for: Attainment and progress of students in their House Behaviour and welfare of students in their House Attendance including PA Providing support for Tutors, so they can carry out their role successfully Responding to information, so appropriate action/interventions are taken to ensure all students aspire to excellence and achieve their full potential House assemblies
Responsible for: Supporting Heads of House and the House Team LEARNING ADVISERS Responsible for: Supporting Heads of House Supporting individual students Staffing the pastoral hub
PASTORAL MANAGERS Responsible for: Child protection issues Multi-Agency meetings Respond to issues in the day and communicate with others TUTORS To monitor and support the academic progress, welfare, appearance and behaviour of students in their groups Liaise with Heads of House to ensure appropriate strategies and actions are taken so all students make good progress
Academic experience Pastoral and SEN support Inter-House Competitions Trips and visits Extra Curricular/Enrichment Activities Involvement with the community Work Experience What we do and say
Break the school into smaller units, which have a clear identity Monitor progress of all students and respond appropriately to different types of data Improve support for students and staff Improve consistency between staff and students Improve communication between staff, students and parents Students are known and feel a sense of belonging SLT high profile around the College Raise standards of achievement
Week beginning 9 th September : Year 10 Trawl Wednesday 18 th September : Year 10 Tutor Evening Friday 18 th October : Year 10 Effort Reports home Friday 6 th December : Year 10 Assessments home