Electronic Resources for Materials Science Electronic Resources in Materials Science Electronic Resources for Materials Science Ljilja Ristic, MScChem PGDiplLIS MCLIP Physical Sciences Librarian Subject Consultant 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800 Ljilja Ristic and Gigi Horsfield
Electronic Resources in Materials Science Session Overview E-resources for research Electronic resources on Oxlip+ How to find databases, e-journals, e-books… Key databases and how to search them Chance to practise 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800 Ljilja Ristic and Gigi Horsfield
Electronic resources at Oxford Electronic Resources in Materials Science Electronic resources at Oxford An extensive collection of electronic databases, e-journals, e-books, standards online, conference proceedings … Oxlip+ - Oxford University e-resources (New!) http://oxlip-plus.ouls.ox.ac.uk/ MetaLib search engine provides Find resource by (title or subject); Crossearch option (multiple sources); and My Resources space. Oxlip – Oxford Libraries Information Platform http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/oxlip/ Links to resources from Subject or Title List. Soon to be replaced with Direct access from University Network Use your SSO for remote access 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800 Ljilja Ristic and Gigi Horsfield
Union Catalogue of Oxford’s Libraries Accessing Oxford’s collections: SOLO – Search Oxford Libraries Online (New portal!) http://solo.ouls.ox.ac.uk/ OLIS - Union Catalogue of Oxford Libraries http://www.lib.ox.ac.uk/olis/ 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Finding full-text articles Try linking from a database using Check Oxford University e-journals http://sfx7.exlibrisgroup.com/oxford/az Check OLIS Library Catalogue for print journals, books, proceedings, etc. http://www.lib.ox.ac.uk/olis/ If not, try Inter-Library Loan from the RSL 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Subject specific databases Include published research Subject specific Index thousands of journals International literature Peer reviewed Provide references and abstracts Accessing databases: Directly from Oxford University network no password required For remote access use your SSO log in 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Subject specific databases CSA Materials Research database with METADEX Covers over 3,000 periodicals, conference proceedings, technical reports, trade journals, patents, etc. Comprises 15 materials specific databases Provides references and abstracts Links to available full-text articles and OLIS Produced by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) CSA subset: CSA High Technology Research database with aerospace (includes semiconductors, etc) 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Subject specific databases CSA Materials Research Database with METADEX Aluminium Industry Abstracts Ceramic Abstracts/World Ceramics Abstracts Copper Data Center Database Corrosion Abstracts Engineered Materials Abstracts Advanced Polymers Abstracts Composites Industry Abstracts Engineered Materials Abstracts, Ceramics Materials Business File METADEX WELDASEARCH 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Chemistry databases SciFinder on the Web (includes Chemical Abstracts) Covers all areas of chemistry, biochemistry, materials from 1907. Indexes over 100000 journals, patents, books proceedings, reports, etc. Provides references, substances and reactions Registration required! Contact your subject librarian 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Other subject specific databases CrossFire Beilstein& Gmelin organic and inorganic chemistry Compendex (engineering, communication, computing, control eng, etc) Geobase – Scopus (geology, environmental sciences, etc) INSPEC – physics, electronics, computing MathSciNet – research in mathematics and applied mathematics 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Multidisciplinary databases Web of Knowledge Web of Science® (1945-present) Science Citation Index Expanded (1945-present) Social Sciences Citation Index (1956-present) Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present) Databases cover more than 4000 journals and are updated weekly. Provides Reference Citation ISI ProceedingsSM (1990-present) – Technical reports and conference proceedings Journal Citation Reports® (1997-2007) 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Multidisciplinary databases SCOPUS Scopus includes four databases: Geobase, Compendex, Embase, Medline Search in selected databases/All databases Covers about 16000 journal articles Provides Reference citation Service provided by Elsevier 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
General resources Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry Encyclopedia of Materials Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology – The Gold Book NIST Physical Reference Data Smithsonian Physical Tables Treatise on Geochemistry 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Searching electronic databases Define a topic/a search question Break your search question into concepts Select search terms to describe concepts Create a search strategy Select appropriate subject database(s) Search electronic databases Find more search terms from retrieved records Repeat a search in another database 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Search techniques Searching on a research topic: Select appropriate subject databases Combine terms into a search strategy Run a search Display search results and select relevant references Keep a list of selected references!!! Find more search terms from retrieved records. Repeat search in another database. 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Search techniques Boolean operators: AND to narrow down OR to broaden (synonyms) NOT to exclude some terms Search tips: Use wildcard and truncation (?, *) Include alternative terms Include different spelling 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Magnesium Boride Wires Sample search We are interested in: Superconductivity of Magnesium Boride Wires 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Electronic Resources in Materials Science AND, OR, NOT Imagine each circle contains the articles you would find by doing a search. Lilac circle shows what you would find if you searched for the term Genetics. Green circle shows what you would find if you searched for Population Blue circle shows what you would find if you searched for Molecular. Search for Genetics OR Population OR Molecular would find all the results. Genetics AND Population would find the green/lilac overlap Genetics AND molecular would find the lilac/blue overlap Genetics AND Population AND Molecular would find only the triangular bit in the middle NOT will start excluding areas e.g. Genetics NOT Molecular would find all of the lilac area, except for the blue overlap. 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800 Ljilja Ristic and Gigi Horsfield
Reference Tools Keeping and organising your references: Export your search results into reference management software Save the results using an appropriate file format E-mail or Print results and then enter into the software Keep up-to-date by setting up database alerts Update your search regularly Reference Management Software on the web: http://www.ouls.ox.ac.uk/eresources (Refworks and Endnote Web) You may want to purchase your own copy of EndNote from OUCS. 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
The Copyright Law Photocopying, printing and downloading from books and journals: one chapter from a book one journal article from a journal issue Up to 5% 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Plagiarism What is plagiarism? “ ..is the act of representing as one’s own original work the creative works of another, without appropriate acknowledgment of the author or source (University of Melbourne, 2007) “.. Is copying or paraphrasing of other people’s work or ideas into your own work without full acknowledgment (Educational Policy and Standards - University of Oxford http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/epsc/plagiarism/ 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
How do you avoid it? Plagiarism is breaching someone’s copyright by: Copying someone’s work or ideas without acknowledgment Copying and pasting from the Internet, or from e-resources (e-books, e-journals, etc) Rephrasing/paraphrasing without acknowledgment Patchwriting – copying and making some changes Copying from each other (students) Copying and pasting a paragraph without quotation marks Using a phrase taken from a source without acknowledgment (Roberts, 2008) 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800
Contacts Ljilja Ristic, MScChem PGDiplLIS MCLIP Physical Sciences Librarian Subject Consultant Tel.(01865) 272816 ljilja.ristic@bodley.ox.ac.uk The Radcliffe Science Library Enquiry Desks - Tel. (2)72800 or (2)72845 Or visit the Library web site http://www.ouls.ox.ac.uk/rsl 21/11/2018 Radcliffe Science Library, Parks Rd, oxford OX1 3QP, Tel.(01865) 272800