21st Century Skills 20th Century Model This slide represents the subject matter mastery model. It takes a snapshot of our ability to master or memorize core subjects. Our parents were educated in a system like this. Even today, this is how most districts are implementing NCLB. ***CORE SUBJECT MATTER MASTERY BY ITSELF ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH IN THE 21ST CENTURY.
21st Century Skills This is the model developed by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. It identifies the additional “buckets” that need to be added and integrated into core subject mastery. And you will notice it requires assessment not only of core subject mastery, but assessment of one’s ability to integrate the additional skills and content areas into core subject mastery.
21st Century Skills 21st Century Content Global Awareness Civic Engagement Business, Financial & Economic Literacy Learning Skills Critical Thinking Problem Solving Communication Collaboration Creativity Self-Directed Learning Information & Media Literacy Accountability & Adaptability Social Responsibility These are the “design specs” for 21st Century education. Geography Example – How does the 21st Century Model differ from the 20th Century Model?