Hervé Bonneville, Bruno Jechoux, Romain Rollet Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 MITMOT “Mac and mImo Techniques for MOre Throughput” alliance proposal presentation in response to IEEE802.11n CFP Hervé Bonneville, Bruno Jechoux, Romain Rollet Mitsubishi ITE 1, allee de Beaulieu, 35700 Rennes, France e-Mail: {bonneville,jechoux,rollet}@tcl.ite.mee.com Markus Muck, Marc de Courville, Jean-Noël Patillon, Stéphanie Rouquette-Léveil, Alexandre Ribeiro Dias, Karine Gosse, Brian Classon, Keith Blankenship Motorola Labs Parc les Algorithmes – Saint Aubin – 91193 Gif sur Yvette Cedex - France 1301 E. Algonquin Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60196, USA e-Mail: {muck,courvill,patillon}@crm.mot.com, Brian.Classon@motorola.com Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
Guide to MITMOT Proposal Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 Guide to MITMOT Proposal The complete proposal consists of the following four documents: 11-04-1370-01-000n-mitmot-tgn-complete-proposal-response Response to functional requirements, comparison criteria table. Includes also a technical overview 11-04-1372-02-000n-mitmot-tgn-complete-proposal-detailed-description Detailed technical description of the proposal 11-04-1369-03-000n-mitmot-tgn-complete-proposal-presentation This document 11-04-1371-00-000n-mitmot-tgn-complete-proposal-sim-results Detailed system simulation results (Excel spread sheet) 11-04-1446-00-000n-mitmot-tgn-complete-proposal-short-presentation Short overview presentation of the proposal Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
Overall goal and positioning Preserve compatibility with legacy IEEE802.11 system Evolution: expand current WLAN application domain, offer a consistent solution to Provide required QoS to support consumer electronics (multimedia home environment and VoIP enterprise) Grant range extension for limited outdoor operation (hotspot) as well as full home coverage Support heterogeneous traffic: increase overall peak data rate without jeopardizing lower data rates modes Manage diversity (laptop/PDA/VoIP Phone) and evolution (independent STA/AP antenna configuration upgrade) of devices through asymmetric antenna configurations Proven and simple solution: combine a highly efficient contention-free based MAC with robust yet low complexity open-loop MIMO PHY techniques Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
.11n MAC: an evolutionary approach Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 .11n MAC: an evolutionary approach Solutions: Centralised on demand resource allocation with grouped resource announcements, embedded in .11e superframe providing contention free access for all type of .11n traffics Aggregated PHY bursts made of short fixed size MAC-PDUs 1 or multiple destinations and/or PHY modes Enhanced ACK: low latency and low overhead selective retransmission Benefits: Actual QoS: guaranteed throughput, stringent delay constraints support even in heavily loaded system High efficiency and scalable architecture Scenario SS16 (point to point): 86% - Extended SS6 (Hotspot): 67% constant overhead when data rate increases Efficient for heterogeneous traffics (bursty, VBR, CBR, high or low data rates) without parameter tuning Easy implementation, low power consumption summary deck Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
.11n PHY: a robust extension to MIMO Goal: define new OFDM MIMO modes with the constraints to handle asymmetric TX/RX antenna configurations with 1, 2 or 3 parallel streams focus on open-loop for stability, avoiding calibration circuit or feedback signalling Solution: exploit a hybrid combination of Spatial Division Multiplexing (SDM) to increase spectrum efficiency and peak data rates classical Space Time Block Coding (STBC) to improve link robustness or range for low to medium data rates (suited to small packet size e.g. VoIP) Additional key features: mandatory: 20MHz bandwidth, minimum of 2Tx antennas (up to 4Tx) new two stage space and frequency interleaver design Forward Error Correction scheme: supports all .11a CC rates, adds low redundancy 5/6 (mandatory) advanced optional scheme: binary turbo code derived from 3GPP second 20MHz/128 carriers OFDM modulation (8% rate increase), with double duration guard interval (Hotspot: limited outdoor) optional high rate 40MHz bandwidth/128 carriers modes (117% rate gain) new nPLCP preambles: code overlay STS/orthogonal LTS Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Typical system performances All QoS flows satisfied Scenario XVI: Use the most efficient PHY mode (3x3 256QAM3/4, Ns=3) (*) bis stands for: “with fully backlogged TCP sources” Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
PHY description and link performance Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 PHY description and link performance summary deck Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
PHY presentation outline The MitMot PHY layer proposal consists in an extension of IEEE802.11a PHY including several key new features: 20MHz (mandatory), 40MHz (optional) bandwidth Optional second OFDM modulation using 104 data subcarriers among 128 in 20MHz or 40MHz bandwidth Multiple TX/RX antenna modes handling asymmetric antenna configuration (2, 3 or 4 transmit antennas, 2 or more receiving antennas) Frequency and spatial interleaving Advanced optional forward error correction scheme relying on turbo-codes Improved preamble design for multi-antenna channel estimation and synchronization purposes Link quality metric feedback for efficient link adaptation Simulation Results & Conclusion Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
OFDM modulations 2 bandwidths support: 20&40MHz 1st OFDM modulation based on IEEE802.11a for 20MHz 48 data subcarriers, 64-point (I)FFT, 4 pilots Reference PHY rate: 2TX: 120/144Mbps, 3-4TX: 180/216Mbps 2nd OFDM modulation for 20MHz (optional): duration of the guard interval and number of carriers doubled (0.8µs 1.6µs) to absorb larger multipath delays with same total overhead (25%) 104 data subcarriers, 128-point (I)FFT, 8 pilots 8% increase on PHY rate: 2TX: 130/156Mbps, 3-4TX: 195/234Mbps 3rd OFDM modulation for 40MHz (optional): 104 data subcarriers, 128-point (I)FFT, 8 pilots Guard interval duration: 0.8s 117% increase on PHY rate: 2TX: 260/312Mbps, 3-4TX: 390/468Mbps Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
40MHz mode design choice Methodology: Proposition: Choose to design single RF front-end architecture with on the fly reprogrammable filters able to address 20MHz and 40MHz Derive compatible OFDM parameters Proposition: Preserve same number of poles (same frequency response in normalized frequency) band stop doubled at 40MHz Reassign the center null carriers on the side ones to allow lower filter selectivity on the edges 20MHz channels 40MHz channel Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Multi-antenna scheme Proposition: hybrid schemes relying on a combination of robust Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) and Spatial Division Multiplexing (SDM) very simple transmitter implementation very simple receiver implementations are possible as classical orthogonal designs are part of the proposed STBCs e.g. design of low complexity ZF or MMSE equalizers very good performance complexity tradeoff for robustness in asymmetric MIMO Importance of configurations in which NTx ≠ NRx NTx > NRx e.g. between AP and mobile handset (in DL) NTx < NRx e.g. between MT and AP (UL), or if MT have upgraded multi-antenna capabilities compared to AP (infrastructure upgrade cost) Exploit all available transmit diversity when NTx > NRx to improve Tx reliability Construction: transmission of 1, 2 or 3 parallel streams using, 2, 3 or 4 transmit antennas The number of receive antennas determines the maximum number of spatial streams that can be transmitted. The capability of decoding 2 parallel data streams is mandatory all the devices have to be able to decode all the modes where the number of spatial streams is lower or equal than the number of receive antennas in the device. It is required for a device to exploit all its antennas in transmission even for optional modes. 2 or more receive antennas With STBC or STBC/SDM, asymmetric antenna configurations can be supported Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
2 transmit antenna schemes proposed Asymmetric Modes for a robust hybrid solution 2 transmit antenna schemes proposed 3 transmit antenna schemes proposed 4 transmit antenna schemes proposed Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Asymmetric MIMO motivation/illustration 2x23x2: 2.8dB5dB gain @PER=10-2 Simulation parameters 20MHz bandwidth, 48 carriers 64QAM, CC 2/3 and 5/6 Packet size: 1000 bytes Channel TGn D NLOS MMSE MIMO detection, perfect CSI 2x24x2: 4.3dB7.5dB gain @PER=10-2 3x34x3: 2dB5.4dB gain @PER=10-2 Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Frequency and spatial interleaver 2-step interleaving process Interleaving prior to mapping 802.11a like frequency interleaving with new parameters suitable to both OFDM modulations (48 and 104 subcarriers) Interleaving prior to space-time coding based on the frequency interleaver parameters to ensure adjacent bits are transmitted on different streams NSD : number of data subcarriers Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Mode: 2-TX 48 carriers 20MHz Mode: 2-TX 104 carriers 20MHz Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 288 384 8 3/4 256QAM 2 144Mbps 240 6 5/6 64QAM 120Mbps 216 108Mbps 192 2/3 96Mbps 144 4 16QAM 72Mbps 1 60Mbps 48Mbps 36Mbps 96 1/2 24Mbps 72 QPSK 18Mbps 48 12Mbps 24 BPSK 6Mbps Data bits/ symbol (NDBPS) Coded bits/ symbol (NCBPS) Coded bits per subcarrier per stream (NBPSC) Coding rate (R) Modulation Number of spatial streams (NS) Data rate (Mbits/s) Mode: 2-TX 48 carriers 20MHz 624 832 8 3/4 256QAM 2 156Mbps 520 6 5/6 64QAM 130Mbps 468 117Mbps 416 2/3 104Mbps 312 4 16QAM 78Mbps 1 65Mbps 52Mbps 39Mbps 208 1/2 26Mbps 156 QPSK 19.5Mbps 104 13Mbps 52 BPSK 6.5Mbps Data bits/ symbol (NDBPS) Coded bits/ symbol (NCBPS) Coded bits per subcarrier per stream (NBPSC) Coding rate (R) Modulation Number of spatial streams (NS) Data rate (Mbits/s) Mode: 2-TX 104 carriers 20MHz Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
Mode: 3/4-TX 48 carriers 20MHz Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 Mode: 2-TX 104 carriers 40MHz Mode: 3/4-TX 48 carriers 20MHz Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
Mode: 3/4-TX 104 carriers 20MHz Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 Mode: 3/4-TX 104 carriers 20MHz Mode: 3/4-TX 104 carriers 40MHz Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
Forward Error Correction scheme Proposed FEC scheme: Mandatory: all IEEE802.11a CC with additional 5/6 puncturing pattern Introduction of an optional advanced coding scheme: parallel binary turbo code with mother rate 1/3 with 3G polynomials (rate ½, 2/3, ¾, 5/6 achieved with puncturing). TCs are stable, well-understood technology yielding good performance with known IPR landscape Implementation features and advantages: Adaptable block sizes relying on segmentation: breaks padded sequence into 2048-bit segments plus at most one segment of length 512, 1024, or 1536 bits yields simple construction of corresponding interleavers Constituent encoders left unterminated: it helps preserving exact code rate. Negligible performance degradation; scrambling performed before padding insertion “Parallel window” decoder architecture easily scaled to meet latency requirements: For a 2048-bit information block implementation, 10ms per iteration possible on 2001 FPGA scales to 1.25ms per iteration on current ASIC (higher clock rate and smaller window size) Interleavers parallelized to avoid memory contentions without performance penalty Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Gain of Turbo vs. Convolutional Codes Average PER vs SNR comparison on channel D Left: STBC 2x2, 64QAM, R=1/2, N=2048 bits, no tail, rand. intlv. Right: SDM 2x2, 64QAM, R=3/4, N=2048 bits, no tail, rand. intlv. Conclusions: The gain remains between 2-3 dB on TGN-D channel even with severe puncturing Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Preamble Design nSTS : time synchronization, frequency offset, AGC Code overlay time domain sequence design on finite alphabet {0,±1, ±j} leads to simple cross correlator implementation nLTS : synchronization refinement, channel estimation Orthogonal design instead of cyclic shift approach: Walsh-Hadamard weighting leads to greater accuracy for CIR estimation Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Short Training Sequence Preamble Time domain design using alphabet {0,±1, ±j} nSTS choice criteria: Spectral & auto/cross-correlation properties Frame definition: nSTS are weighted by ±1, nSTS doubled @40MHz Exploitation: time synchronization, Automatic Gain Control, freq offset Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Performances: Time Synchronization Typical time synchronization performances for 2x2 antennas case Typical time synchronization performances for 4x4 antennas case Time synchronization very reliable for 4x4 antennas case even for very low SNR (< 0dB) Important for hybrid 4x4 antennas modes, since they work for very low SNR Good reliability even for channel with large delay spread (TGe) Time synchronization reliable for 2x2 antennas case Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Long Training Sequence preamble Focus on a orthogonal design allowing easier tradeoff between quality/complexity for CSI estimation: frequency domain only estimation is possible Inclusion of time confinement constraint into the estimator possible yielding a more robust estimator avoiding the important noise enhancement using ZF approaches with Cyclic Shift based methods Definition in frequency domain from alphabet {0, ±1} LTS over 56 subcarriers to further improve the accuracy of the channel estimator using time confinement constraint LTS(#-28…#+28) = {-1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1} Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Link quality metric feedback for efficient link adaptation Accurate PER prediction tools are available: E.g. Shannon capacity at RX output, exp-ESM effective SNR yields several dBs gain w.r.t. SNR or ACK-based link adaptation Observation: only the RX can predict PER accurately (knowledge of processing, interference) Proposal: Feedback current link quality metric 1 dedicated PDU for initial calibration so that feedback can be mapped on PER in multiple vendor environment Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Performance illustration for TGnD channel (CC67) Performance improvements for 2x2 2x4 and 4x2 4x4 antennas 35dB 120 / SDM (fluor. Eff.) 5dB 12 / STBC 18dB 48 / STBC 28dB 96 / SDM SNR for PER=10-1 Mode (Mbps) / STC 7dB 12 / SDM-STBC 17dB 48 / SDM-STBC 25.5dB 96 / SDM-STBC 30dB 120 / SDM-STBC SNR for PER=10-1 Mode (Mbps) / STC 2x2 4x2 2x4 4x4 2dB 12 / STBC 14.5dB 48 / STBC 20dB 96 / SDM 24dB 120 / SDM SNR for PER=10-1 Mode (Mbps) / STC 29dB 180 / SDM-STBC (Flour. Eff.) 19dB 96 / SDM-STBC 23dB 120/ SDM-STBC SNR for PER=10-1 Mode (Mbps) / STC Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Simulation results - TGnD 4RX antennas: Full Diversity gain for all streams: 120 Mbps lowers SNR ~ 35dB 25.5dB 23dB XXX 36dB 29dB 180 (effect) 180 5dB 4.5dB 3.5dB 12 18dB 14dB 11dB 48 27.5dB 21dB 19dB 96 35dB 25.5dB 23dB 120 SNR for PER=10-1 Mode/Mbps Assymetric modes: #TX antennas < #RX antennas vs #RX antennas < #TX antennas # TX antennas < # RX antennas Update MT # TX antennas > # RX antennas Update AP 24dB 120 2dB 12 14.5dB 48 20dB 96 SNR for PER=10-1 Mode/Mbps 30dB 120 7dB 12 17dB 48 25.5dB 96 SNR for PER=10-1 Mode/Mbps Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Limited outdoor environment: Hotspot support Benefit of 20MHz 128 carriers mode using a 32 samples cyclic prefix: 8% overall rate increase designed to cope with larger channels for more efficient outdoor environment operations Illustration for channel F: no error floor in performance for higher rates modes Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Simulation results – Offset compensation No significant impact at 10% PER in channel E (NLOS) 0.0974 0.0617 0.0963 180Mbps 3x3 ~0 12Mbps 4x4 0.0001 48Mbps 0.0019 0.0016 96Mbps 0.0022 0.0021 120Mbps 0.0029 0.0024 0.0023 0.0002 0.0050 0.0045 0.0043 0.0298 0.0183 0.0297 2x2 0.0042 0.0037 0.0039 0.0018 0.0003 PER carrier offset =+40ppm carrier offset = 0ppm carrier offset = -40ppm Data rate (Mbits/s) Antenna configuration Impact of carrier frequency offset and symbol clock offset at SNR=50dB in channel E (LOS): Small degradation of the PER performance High data rate modes are more impacted: PER (+40ppm)=112/100xPER (0ppm)@48Mbps PER (+40ppm)=163/100xPER (0ppm)@120Mbps High data rate modes are less impacted if spatial diversity: 3x3: PER (+40ppm)=158/100xPER (0ppm)@180Mbps 4x4: PER (+40ppm)=121/100xPER (0ppm)@180Mbps Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
MAC Description Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 summary deck Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
ECCF overview ECCF: “Extended Centralised Coordination Function” Functions are distributed over 4 sub-layers 802.2 LLC 802.2 LLC ECCF MAC Legacy 802.11 MAC Packet Sequence Number Assignments MAC Header Compression LLCCS Sequence Number Assignments Fragmentation Encryption MDU Header + CRC Segment Sequence Number Assignments Segmentation/Re-Assembly SAR MIS Error and Flow Control MLS Encryption MPDU Header Signalling Insertion PHY PHY Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Frame structure and timing 802.11 MAC Super Frame & Beacon kept for compatibility. A part of the Contention Free Period (CFP) or some Controlled Access Periods (CAP) are used to inset ECCF periods. Resource scheduling performed on a per MTF basis (fixed duration: e.g.2 ms). Variable duration Time Intervals (TI) dynamically allocated to STAs within an MTF. ECCF PCF/HCCA DCF/EDCA CFP CP Beacons MTF Beacon Information CF Parameter Set 802.11 MAC Super Frame CAP Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Example of .11e and ECCF peaceful coexistence ECCF scheme is flexible enough to easily handle backward compatibility Question: how to have clean coexistence of .11e QoS STA and .11n ECCF STA Practical case: mixed environment, .11n stations + .11e VoIP terminals Solution: the RRM reserves time for legacy stations every 10 ms using insertion into CAP method granularity of ECCF reservation (MTF) is 2ms several ECCF MTF can be embedded in superframe VoIP .11e stations are able to operate CAP ECCF ECCF DCF/EDCA CP Beacons MTF Beacon Information CF Parameter Set 802.11 MAC Super Frame … Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Frame structure and timing (cont.) MTF composition defined in a specific MPDU = PGPM Variable duration TI constituted of one MPDU = data unit exchanged with the PHY layer as in legacy 802.11 (i.e. one PLCP preamble per MPDU) MPDU contains two parts: signalling and data contents defined by the emitter (source STA) data and signalling can be intended for one or more destination STAs Multiple MCS / Multiple flows / Multiple destinations aggregation Possible long PHY bursts (up to 1ms) PGPM MTF Data TI#0 TI#1 TI#2 TI#3 TI#4 MPDU Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
MTF structure (detailed) Each resource is described at the beginning of an MTF in the PGPM MPDU signalling part (variable length): Includes resource requests, Error Control signalling,... Includes description of data blocks (if any) MTF structure example MPDU STA#2 STA#1 PGPM MPDU PGPM Header HSCS TID STA#1 ->STA#2 TID STA#4 ->RRM,STA#3 Signalling Signalling MPDU Header HSCS Data DPD STA#2 Data Block to STA#2 MPDU Header RR ->RRM Signalling FB ->STA#3 HSCS Sent by RRM STA#4 All RRM, STA#3 (TI #0) (TI #1) (TI #2) Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Aggregation An MPDU may aggregate several data blocks sent by a station SDU MPEGflow VOIP flow TCP flow SAR MPDU Header HSCS Aggregated MPDU, up to 1ms Signalling Data Block #1 Data Block #2 Data Block #3 LLC Fixed size segments (2 possible lengths) CRC MIS-PDU HDR ... LLCCS (*) LLC packet sequence number (**) Segment sequence numbers ... MPDU description part has a dedicated protection (HSCS) Possible Multiple MCS / Multiple flows / Multiple destinations In particular, description part can use a robust PHY mode Sequence numbers: 2 levels (*) at LLC level (LLCCS-PDU), and (**) at segment level (MIS-PDU) SAR is easy to implement Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Resource allocation scheme MTF (2ms) RG-STA A RR CTI location PGPM CTI Location STA A STA B RRM RG-STA B ECCF period (within CAP or CFP) CTI CTI ACK Resource request (RR) and resource grant (RG) Data RR via in band signalling RR via contention Signalling TIs (Resource announcement + Contention) RG Successful contention ACK Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Enhanced ACK & Flow control Performed on a per-flow basis (src STA, dst STA, priority) Operated independently from the aggregation Feedback sent upon request from source or triggered by receiver May be sent in-band or out-band May be cumulative when no errors (compact) or selective with bit map bloc otherwise (accurate) Flow control Negotiated minimum window size (throughput guaranty) or signaled Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Enhanced ACK Aggregated MPDUs (PHY bursts) SID Seq Nb -> N Priority Flags Cumulative Ack Seq Nb -> M MISPU Bit Map (32 bits) Selective Ack SID1, Pr1 SID2 , Pr3 SIE Data In band feedback message SID: Short station IDentifier Dst STA (SID 2) Src STA Feedback message Dst STA (SID1) Preamble + MAC Header LLC CRC MIS-PDU HDR SDU N SDU M SDU M -1 Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
High range dedicated .11n Beacon Goal: Enable materialisation of new PHY mode range Proposal: Introduction of a dedicated beacon Transmitted with MIMO 2Tx, 1 flow, BPSK STBC CC1/2 (6 Mbps) Include all legacy system Information Add ECCF specific elements CFP CP 802.11 MAC Super Frame ECCF PCF/HCCA DCF/EDCA/ECCF CAP(ECCF) Legacy Beacon N- Beacon CF-Poll Green Field Case N Beacon only is transmitted Mixed Mode Dual Beacon, Legacy kept as is an N Beacon immediately after legacy one Valid for both Mixed Mode and Green Field Gain of 6db => ~50% Range increase for .11n stations BSS overlapping avoided by DFS as per 802.11h Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
System Performance Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 summary deck Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
ECCF Robustness MAC Efficiency vs PER (Scenario I bis, IV, VI bis) Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 ECCF Robustness MAC Efficiency vs PER (Scenario I bis, IV, VI bis) Slight impact of the PER on MAC efficiency retransmission with low signalling SR-ARQ MAC efficiency: Robust vs PER > 60% even for harsh conditions (*) High performance even in bad radio conditions Results valid whatever the application packet size (c.f.segmentation) (*) PER for 134 bytes packets, 1E-1 equivalent to 9.5E-1 for 4000 bytes or 6.9E-1 for 1500 bytes packets Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
ECCF Scalability Goodput at MAC SAP vs PHY data rate (point-to-point scenario) linear variation MAC efficiency: Constant vs PHY rate High level: [76% ; 86%] Fully scalable for high bit rates Results valid whatever the application packet size (c.f.segmentation) Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Mixed traffic handling Capacity usage at MAC-SAP vs. Number of VoIP sessions 1 TCP data flow transmitted using MIMO 3x3_64QAM2/3 (Ns=3) [144Mbit/s] VoIP: 120-byte packets emitted every 10 ms (2x96kbit/s) n VoIP sessions, using either 2x2_64QAM2/3 (Ns=1) [48Mbit/s] or 2x2_16QAM1/2 (Ns=1) [24 Mbit/s] MAC Efficiency between 78% and 55% 30 VoIP sessions + at least 65 Mbit/s of TCP traffic Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Delay performances IEEE TGn Usage models : Scenario I (Home) Traffic classification based on priority level (VoIP > TCP) Delay comparison for different error rate [cdf(d>D)] Strong QoS constraints of VoIP reached: with a simple centralised scheduling an efficient ACK Max delay below 20 ms for QoS traffic Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Simulation results for Scenarios 1 all data flow transmitted using MIMO 3x2 64QAM 3/4 (Ns=2) or 2x2 16QAM 3/4 (Ns=1) Modified scenario 1bis: Infinite TCP sources + PHY modes (36 - 180 Mbit/s) Metrics Performance Average PHY rate Non-QoS goodput QoS (171%) Satisfied QoS flows (100%) 139 Mbps CC Targets 76 % MAC Efficiency 17 53 Mpbs 53 Mbps Scenario 1bis All QoS requirements can be achieved with 106 Mbit/s at PHY 76% MAC efficiency 106 Mbit/s available at MAC-SAP (139 Mbit/s avg at PHY) Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Simulation results for Scenario 4 Metrics Performance Average PHY rate Non-QoS goodput QoS (100%) Satisfied QoS flows (27%) 178 Mbps CC Targets 73 % MAC Efficiency 18 121 Mpbs 9 Mbps Scenario 4 Scenario 4: PHY modes 108 - 180 Mbit/s 73% MAC efficiency 130 Mbit/s available at MAC-SAP (178 Mbit/s avg at PHY) Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Simulation results for Scenarios 6 Metrics Performance Average PHY rate Non-QoS goodput QoS Satisfied QoS flows (100%) 155 Mbps CC Targets 67 % MAC Efficiency 39 45 Mpbs (292%) 58 Mbps Scenario 6 bis Scenario 6: all data flow transmitted using MIMO 3x3 64QAM2/3 (Ns=2) or 2x2 64QAM5/6 (Ns=1). Modified scenario 6bis: Infinite TCP sources + PHY modes (48 - 180 Mbit/s) QoS requirements can be achieved with 92 Mbit/s at PHY 67% MAC efficiency 103 Mbit/s available at MAC-SAP (155 Mbit/s avg at PHY) Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola
Results conclusion QoS requirements supported (throughput and delay) Month 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/xxxr0 Results conclusion QoS requirements supported (throughput and delay) In all scenarios High level MAC efficiency Above 65 % in all scenarios Efficient with QoS flows as non QoS flows Very good scalability Constant efficiency versus PHY rate Backward compatibility Flexibility ensured, without context-dependent tuning Full support of all mandatory 11n simulations scenarios with a 120 Mbps PHY layer Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola H.Bonneville, B.Jechoux, Mitsubishi ITE
Differentiators Resource allocation mechanism is highly dynamic QoS provided without use of traffic profiles (TSPECS) Enhanced transparency and predictability through broadcast grouped resource announcement yields clean low power implementation and low overhead Inherent clean split between legacy and .11n devices at MAC level no need for mixed-modes transmission mode definition High Efficiency independent of application packet size through segmentation Robustness to error through retransmission mechanism on segmented packets .11n specific beacon enables materialization of new PHY mode range prediction Build in support for asymmetric TX/RX antenna configurations to accommodate various terminal sizes (PDA/Phone) offering a scalable and evolutionary solution New preamble definition: allowing easier tradeoff between quality/complexity for CSI estimation avoiding the important noise enhancement using ZF approaches Open-loop link quality feedback for easier and better link adaptation Jechoux,Patillon Mitsubishi/Motorola