NMSSM & B-meson Dileptonic Decays


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Presentation transcript:

NMSSM & B-meson Dileptonic Decays Jin Min Yang 杨 金 民 ITP, Beijing arXiv: 0801.1169 Heng, Wang, Oakes, Xiong, JMY

Outline Introduction NMSSM Model B Dileptonic Decay Conclusion

1. Introduction About B physics B-physics is not over (super B-factory, LHCb) Some B processes are sensitive to new physics

Dynamical solution to -problem About NMSSM Dynamical solution to -problem Solve little hierarchy problem What is -problem ? What is little hierarchy problem ?

-problem: only dimensionful parameter conserving SUSY should be at Planck scale

little hierarchy: 100 GeV Experimental lower bound we need sizable mh  114 GeV (95 GeV) we need sizable loop effects ! Theoretical upper bound ~ 500 GeV mh  90 GeV ( tree-level)  135 GeV ( loop-level) 100 GeV

2. NMSSM Model Singlet NMSSM = MSSM + Symmetry    Hu·Hd

E6 models (superstring-inspired) NMSSM naturally exist ? E6 models (superstring-inspired) string scale SO(10)  U(1)  … at low energy: S, Hu, Hd + heavy particles U(1) global PQ to explicitly break U(1) PQ: cubic term

Higgs potential: U(1)PQ ( 0 ) NMSSM U(1)R ( A0, A0 )

Spectrum of NMSSM: One more CP-odd Higgs (A1) One more CP-even Higgs One more neutralino

How to solve -problem ? Before SUSY breaking: SUSY vacuum: VEVs = 0 EW; Z3 are not broken With SUSY breaking: SUSY breaking scale (<TeV) vacuum: VEVs  0 EW break at weak scale  term is generated at weak scale

Comment: Z3 symmetry is crucial ! Otherwise, introduce a singlet seems no good (except: in SUSY vacuum EW spontaneously breaking) Discrete symmetry may cause new problem

mh theoretical upper bound How to solve little hierarchy ? mh theoretical upper bound MSSM: NMSSM: mh experimental lower bound has singlet component suppressed !

MSSM fraction of h V. Barger, et al, hep-ph/0603247

3. B Dileptonic Decay b s

In SM: VKM W s b u t c


  g W b s       d u b t s c

K. Hikasa, M. Kobayashi, PRD36, 724 (1987) Assume: soft-terms are flavor universal at GUT scale flavor mixings occur when evolving down to weak scale

b s SM: only gauge bosons SUSY: gauge and Higgs bosons

b s A1 OPE:

=mW =mA1 (integrate out A1) =mb A1 is heavy A1 is intermediately heavy A1 is very light

Scan over NMSSM parameter space: Sfermions = 500 GeV SU(2) gaugino = 200 GeV U(1) gaugino = 100 GeV Keep the points allowed by LEPII

expt data No expt data !

Sky-blue points excluded by

Sky-blue points excluded by

4. Conclusion In NMSSM a light A1 is allowed B-meson dileptonic decays can be greatly enhanced in NMSSM (a) current data has already set on NMSSM (b) future high precision expt will be crucial test