The Grammateus STYLE
Is How You Record the Minutes A matter of Preference ?
What should you expect the officially recorded minutes to look like ?
What to Include ? What to Leave Out ?
Write too much? Write too little?
Choose Your Method Notebook Template Laptop Tape Recorder Shorthand
Obtain the meeting agenda and other pertinent materials The agenda serves as your template for how the minutes are organized
Listen with Care The Grammateus must focus on major issues, actions, and decisions. She must sort through a lot of verbiage to understand what is really being said. Be an active listener
The objective for the Grammateus is to stick to the facts Just the Facts The objective for the Grammateus is to stick to the facts
KEEP IT CLEAR AND SIMPLE Provide language that is understandable, concise, and objective throughout
BE EXACT The Grammateus must be absolutely accurate in presenting the facts of a meeting.
SUMMARIZE.....Don’t record conversations word for word Exception: Do record motions Record the motion Who made the motion Who seconds the motion
Be specific when it really counts A vague account will make your minutes less valuable
Use Keywords vs. Sentences
Keep emotions out of the minutes
Reflect accurately the order Even if it doesn’t follow the agenda of the discussion Even if it doesn’t follow the agenda The minutes are legal, historical documents. You never know when you will be asked about a meeting.
Bulleted Lists correspondence suggestions concerns
When confused, Speak Up ! Ask for Clarification Write yourself a note
Use a consistent format when writing the minutes
Your minutes should be as close to perfect as you can get them before anyone sees them. ***** Minutes should be approved by the Basileus before distribution.
Use a separate page for large corrections
Keep minutes in chronological order Keep minutes in chronological order. Include all handouts and the agenda.
Pass records to your successor Purge with care