Cut a piece of paper the size the batik will be Cut a piece of paper the size the batik will be. Draw a ½ inch boarder on a paper.
Draw the batik image within the boarder of the paper with pencil Draw the batik image within the boarder of the paper with pencil. Try to have a lot of closed shapes vs. just lines. When done, outline in sharpie.
Drawing – fabric – cardboard Gather materials: Drawing – fabric – cardboard
Tape the drawing onto the board then tape the fabric over the drawing.
Mix 1 part water with 1 part flour Mix 1 part water with 1 part flour. Filter it through a screen to get rid of clumps. Put into a squirt bottle with a small nozzle
Test the flour mixture on the side of the paper Test the flour mixture on the side of the paper. This an any mistakes can be wiped off with a hand or paper towel.
Outline the drawing onto the fabric. be sure the lines are consistent-not thin then thick. When the drawing is done and the flour is dry it’s time to paint!
Put acrylic paint into a mixing tray Put acrylic paint into a mixing tray. Add water until it has the consistency of syrup.
Start painting! Fill the entire space and remember to go up to the edge. More than one color can be added to each section for easy color mixing.
When finished painting, let dry then start picking the flour mixture off of the fabric.