ED & Trauma combine meeting 2012/01/12 Reporter: R4 蘇怡嘉 Supervisor: 鍾 亢主任 Moderator:邱德發主任
Case Identification Name: 許xx Chart No: 72012xx Age: 57-year-old Gender: female Time arrival ER: 100/10/25 22:00 (0hr0min) 檢傷分類: 1級 Vital sign: BT:35.4 C, HR:101/min, RR:23/min, BP109/52mm-Hg, E3V5M6, Oximeter: 96% 檢傷主訴:病患來診為病患由119人員送入,據119人員表示病患機車車禍,身體雙下肢被大型遊覽車輾過,現雙下肢粉碎性骨折及骨肉分離
Trauma Blue Definition in CGMH 意識不清或GCS < 13 SBP < 90 頭部或軀幹槍傷 多重部位外傷 二層樓(六公尺)以上墜落 嚴重骨盆骨折 其他
Chief complaint 病人被公車輾過雙腳卡在後輪中約45分鐘後方被救出
Present Illness 事故發生時間:2011/10/25 21:00 事故地點:街頭公路 外傷機轉:車禍 外傷機轉:鈍傷或壓砸傷 類型:機械性夾傷 坐什麼車的?:機車 坐哪個位置?:駕駛 與什麼車相撞?:公車 保護措施:安全帽
Present Illness 意圖:非蓄意 過去病史 :不明 過去病史 : 無 過敏史 : 無 EMT擔架送入 被公車輾過雙腳卡在後輪中 過去病史 : 無 過敏史 : 無 EMT擔架送入 被公車輾過雙腳卡在後輪中 約莫45分鐘才被救出 病人表情痛苦 雙眼緊閉
Physical examination General appearance : acute ill Conscious : E3 V5 M6, Pupil size : 3+/3+ HEENT : not anemic Chest BS : clear Abdomen: distended no tenderness no rebound pain bowel sound : normoactive Mcburney point : negative Murphy sign : negative Lt hip huge L/W, around 30cm, persistant oozing without massive active bleeding
Initial impression Hypovolemic shock Unstable pelvic fracture Left femoral open fracture Multiple abrasion wound
Initial Order 22:09 (09 min) Did you agree with these order ? CBC/DC PT / aPTT Sugar Cr/ALT ABG,myoglobin,CPK Na / K IV challenge with N/S 1000cc stat N/S run 120 ml/hr ABD and pelvis CT C+/- CXR (B) 非常緊急用血 血品 :PRB 4U. 緊急備血PRBC 4U O2 N/C 3L/min On critical : 出血性休克 Consult Trauma team On monitor On Large bore Did you agree with these order ?
We may add… FAST Adequate fluid resuscitation
ATLS Primary survey and resuscitation A (Airway and C-spine protection) B (Breathing and ventilation) C (Circulation with hemorrhage control) D (Disability: neurologic status) E (Exposure and enviromental control) History (AMPLE) Secondary survey Finger to hole From head to toe
出血性休克之評估及分期 1 2 3 4 分 期 失血量 ml ~750 750~1500 1500~2000 >2000 失血量 % 分 期 1 2 3 4 失血量 ml ~750 750~1500 1500~2000 >2000 失血量 % ~15% 15%-30% 30%-40% >40% 心率 <100 >100 >120 >140 血壓 正常 降低 脈搏壓 正常/增加 呼吸速率/min 14~20 20~30 30~40 >35 排尿量(ml/hr) >30 20-30 5-15 無 意識 輕微焦慮 焦慮/神智不清 神智不清/嗜睡 輸液復甦(3:1) 溫的輸液 溫的輸液/血液
Diagnostic guideline --- pelvic fracture
FAST: role in pelvic fracture? FAST: lower sensitivity and specificity Cannot differentiate hemoperitoneum or uroperitoneum Tayal VS, Nielsen A, Jones AE, et al. Accuracy of trauma ultrasound in major pelvic injury. J Trauma 2006; 61(6):1453.
FAST: role in pelvic fracture? Doest not aid in determining the need for laparotomy versus pelvic angiography in patients with pelvic fracture at risk for hemorrhage. Friese RS, Malekzadeh S, Shafi S, et al. Abdominal ultrasound is an unreliable modality for the detection of hemoperitoneum in patients with pelvic fracture. J Trauma 2007; 63:97.
CT: golden diagnostic test the diagnostic test of choice for detecting pelvic and intra-abdominal injuries. Extravasations on CT scan of the pelvis is useful in predicting which patients will require therapeutic angiography Rosen’s Emergency Medicine, 7th ed > chap. 52 pelvis trauma
Lab 100/10/25 Temperature ℃ 37 pH 7.370 pCO2 mmHG 35.7 pO2 212.5 HCO3 mm/L 20.2 TCO2 21.3 ABE -4.6 SBE -5.1 SBC Mm 20.9 SAT % 99.2
100/10/25 CT 22:22 (0 hr 22min) Multiple fractures in the visible pelvis, involving of the right lower lumbar transverse processes, sacrum, bilateral pubic bones, right acetabulum, left distal femur, left patella, left tibia and left fibula. Soft tissue defect with air collection in the subcutaneous tissue and along muscle fascia in the left leg, left pubic and inguinal regions. Fluid collection around the urinary bladder, cannot exclude urinary bladder rupture or hematoma from pelvic fracture. No remarkable finding of liver, spleen, pancreas and both kidneys.
Consult Sheet – 100/10/25 22:43 Called Duty Dr., got following orders: admit to SICU Dr after op; emergent OP with bilaeral legs amputation after resuscitation NPO set iv with D5S1/4 and prepare OP: sign permite and send pt to OR on call Pre-op survey EKG, CXR, check CBC, DC, sugar, BUN , Cr, PT, APTT, GOT, GPT well explain op procedures and risks ; op site marked after op scheduled inform risk of internal bleeding related to pelvic fr. arrange emergent angioembolization
CT: golden diagnostic test the sensitivity for the detection of arterial bleeding by CT to be only 66% in patients who also had angiography. Brasel KJ, Pham K, Yang H, et al: Significance of contrast extravasation in patients with pelvic fracture. J Trauma 2007; 62:1149.
CXR 100/10/25 22:48 (0hr 48 min) Exaggerated lung markings at both lungs Normal heart size and configuration
Lab 100/10/25 22:52 (0 hr 52min) 檢驗項目 1001025 WBC 5100 Segment 58 RBC 4.62 Lymphocyte 37 Hemoglobin 7.0 Monocyte 5 Hematocrit 21.4 APTT 30.3 MCV 91.5 Nor.plasma mean 27.4 MCH 31.4 P.T 12.4 MCHC 34.0 11.5 RDW 14.1 INR 1.1 Platelets 89000 檢驗項目 單位 1001025 Sugar mg/dL 137 Creatinine 0.82 ALT/GPT U/L 39 Na(Sodium) mEq/L 143.3 K(Potassium) 3.32 CK ng/mL 114 Myoglobin 404.3
Radiologist Consult Sheet Consider treating lower extremity bledding first. Stablize blood pressure and correct coagulation profiles. <O>: TPR: 36/80/18 BP: 74/58 PLT: 89000 ; PT:14.0 ; INR: 1.33 <A>: 80849 FRACTURE OF OTHER SPECIFIED PART OF PELVIS, CLOSED 82110 FRACTURE OF UNSPECIFIED PART OF FEMUR, OPEN
Time line radiologist Trauma team 22:00 0 min 22:09 09min 22:22 22min 放射科醫師不建議作angiography 抵達 送手術室 TAE standby CT complete B/T PRBC8u 94/48, HR:81 101/50, HR:84 74/58, HR:80 74/58, HR:80 74/48, HR:80
Surgical guideline in CGMH
Angiography indication inadequate response to initial resuscitation (SBP< 90 mm Hg after the administration of 2 U of packed red cells) the presence of contrast extravasation on admission CT Miller PR, Moore PS, Mansell E, et al: External fixation or arteriogram in bleeding pelvic fracture: Initial therapy guided by markers of arterial hemorrhage. J Trauma 2003; 54:437
Management guideline in pelvic fracture In North America: Angiography with embolization is the approach preferred for patients with rapid pelvic fracture bleeding and/or an inadequate response to pelvic volume reduction. In Europe: Preperitoneal pelvic packing/ External fixation Lewis Flint, MD, FACS, and H. Gill Cryer, et al. Pelvic Fracture: The Last 50 Years. J Trauma. 2010;69: 483–488
PPP/EF v.s Angiography PPP/EF was effective in controlling hemorrhage from unstable pelvic fractures. Additionally, PPP/EF temporizes arterial hemorrhage, providing valuable transfer time for facilities without angiography. With other urgent operative interventions required in 85% of patients, combining these procedures with PPP/EF for operative pelvic hemorrhage control appears to optimize patient care. Clay Cothren Burlew, Ernest E Moore,Wade R Smith, et al. Preperitoneal Pelvic Packing/External Fixation with Secondary Angioembolization: Optimal Care for Life-Threatening Hemorrhage from Unstable Pelvic Fractures. J Am Coll Surg 2011;212:628–637.
OP record 23:10 入手術室: 74/48 HR: 80 01:18 出手術室: 84/58 HR:110 OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: We applied Slatis frame for pelvic fracture first. The crushed left lower leg was amputated via knee disarticulation The huge wound of the left thigh was debrided. Wounnd were closed with PDS. The right crushed lower leg was amputated at the 10 cm below knee. The open wounds of the vagina and inguinal area due to open pelvic fracture were impacted with Karlex.
Admission course 08:49 profound shock 10/25 OP 10/26 01:50 入SICU dopamine line 06:10 FFP 2u , plt 24U 08:49 profound shock
TAE Imp: Pelvic fracture with active bleeding Pseudoaneurysm formation S/P successful embolization. 09:40 TAE完成 122/68 , HR: 110, RR:22
Admission course 11/4- 11/28 received 7 times wound debridement 12/12 extubation 12/13 transfer to ordinary ward 12/14~ still admission
Pelvic fracture Rosen's Emergency Medicine, 7th ed. Lewis Flint, MD, FACS, and H. Gill Cryer, et al. Pelvic Fracture: The Last 50 Years. J Trauma. 2010;69: 483–488
Risk factor Increased patient age :due to osteoporosis Female gender :decreased resistance of pelvic bones and ligaments to forced disruption Increased impact forces.
Initial accessment control hemorrhage and temporarily stabilize the fracture.
Associated pelvic injuries Urologic: bladder or urethral rupture 5~6% Neurologic: Cauda equina syndrome Gynecologic: especially in pregnant women
The combination of posterior arch fracture plus hypotension is associated with a mortality rate of approximately 50%.
Significant pelvic fracture bleeding can occur from veins, bone edges, lacerated arteries Major pelvic arterial or venous trunks are unusual and can be effectively in angiography. Lewis Flint, MD, FACS, and H. Gill Cryer, et al. Pelvic Fracture: The Last 50 Years. J Trauma. 2010;69: 483–488
Managment Detection and management of pelvic fracture hemorrhage Definitive fixation of pelvic fracture