Monday, January 29th
Agenda English 1: English 3: Comparative Essay - Day 1 Research Paper Submission Vocab List 8
English 1 As You Enter… Once you have a laptop, please… Please gran a laptop from the computer cart and have a seat. Clear your desk of all items except the laptop If you have headphones, you may have them out and plugged into the LAPTOP (no cell phones) Once you have a laptop, please… Login to your Google account (if you do not have one, create one) Go into your Google Drive and create a “New Google Doc” Once there, wait for further instructions from me.
Comparative Essay – Day 1 You will have the next three (3) days to complete this assignment. (However, if there is more web surfing and playing going on than writing, I will start cutting time down). Please read the instructions on the worksheet CAREFULLY. To find it, go to our class website at: Look under “English 1” in today’s date. I have also included the scoring rubric, so look at that as well so that you will know how to achieve a higher score. No talking please during this assignment, your peers need to focus just like you. If you are choosing not to complete this assignment, then put your head down and go to sleep. I’ll give you the 100 point summative zero and you’ll save me grading time.
English 3 As You Enter… If you do not have your research paper today… Please place your research papers on my desk in a NEAT stack. Please do not approach me with excuses. I’ll either ignore you or simply smile and nod. If you do not have your research paper today… WHY NOT??!!! I have zero sympathy. I am taking 20% off your grade for everyday it’s not handed in. So, if you’re doing the math, if you bring it in tomorrow, the highest grade you can get (if it’s absolutely PERFECT) is an 80%. Wednesday it goes down to a 60%, then 40% on Thursday, etc. Friday will be the last day I accept any papers. PERIOD.
English 3 Vocab List 8 Vocab Quiz 8 will be Friday (Feb. 2nd) Your vocab sheets did not come in today, so please get out a sheet of paper. I will give you the words and definitions, so when your sheets arrive you can copy this info onto them then. Vocab Quiz 8 will be Friday (Feb. 2nd)
Distrusting, criticizing, or mocking the motives of others. Cynical
Formal, serious, somber; lacking humor Solemn
Never ending, ceaseless Incessant
To despise or scorn Disdain
To work hard Toil
Happening at irregular intervals Sporadic
Painstaking, meticulous; strict attention to minute details. Punctilious
Something justly deserved; taking revenge or correcting a wrong Retribution
Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action. Obstinate
Lack of energy, lazy Lethargic