Allie Davidson Educational Technology Development Coordinator August 17, 2018 Leveraging cuLearn Assignments and Rubrics to Enhance Assessment Practices
LET’S HEAR FROM YOU! What do you hope to get out of this session? Have you used the cuLearn assignment tool before? Have you used rubrics before? If so, what has your experience been like?
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this workshop you will be able to: Identify benefits and challenges of using cuLearn assignments Create assignments in cuLearn Manage assignments in gradebook Identify feedback strategies using cuLearn assignments Create rubrics and marking guides in cuLearn
PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT Looking for Comprehension and Application; Educating Students Formative (during term) Assessment for learning Correction and guidance Summative (end of term) Assessment of learning (competence)
What does helpful feedback look like? Question time! What does helpful feedback look like?
HELPFUL FEEDBACK Quality, frequency and timeliness Respond as a reader Record your reactions Explain when you are having difficulty reading and why Report when the reading is going well and why IET: Identification, Explanation, Translation PIP: Praise specific, Improvement, Positive overall Source: Bellows, N. Three Step Process of Commenting on Student Work
cuLEARN ASSIGNMENT Online “Dropbox” submission Advanced submission management features Multiple feedback options Connected to Gradebook
DEMO TIME! How to set up an assignment Go through settings options in assignment set up Grading assignments Direct grading (quick grading button, toggle, where to put grade and feedback) Bulk export of assignments (show export, edit document, show bulk import) How to grant extension Gradebook Show prepopulated grade items Hide/show grade option How to exclude a grade How to lock a grade How to override a grade
RUBRICS DEFINED An instructional tool Assigns grades Provides feedback
Example Marking Guide (AKA rubric)
RUBRIC: GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 3-4 levels of performance (plus 0 in cuLearn) Each level given a weight 3-6 criteria Descriptive language, not evaluative Continuous and parallel descriptions No relative terms (more/fewer vs. many/few)
WHAT DO YOU THINK? How can rubrics help instructors? How can rubrics help students? What could be some issues/challenges when using rubrics?
HOW CAN RUBRICS HELP INSTRUCTORS? Clarify expectations and make assessment more transparent Speed up marking time Make grading less tedious More consistency across grading
HOW CAN RUBRICS HELP STUDENTS? Understand assignment goals See what constitutes beginner → exemplary performance Receive structured, individualized feedback Visual representation of grading
COMMON ISSUES USING RUBRICS Misalignment with learning outcomes/activities Too general or too much detail Can conceal feedback Grader subjectivity
CULEARN RUBRIC AND MARKING GUIDE In assignment activity Connected to Gradebook Marking Guide: More lenient than rubric Only set criteria Response bank
TIPS FOR CREATING RUBRICS Start early! Give yourself time to create rubric Define assignment learning outcomes Look at examples Get feedback from colleagues and/or EDC Be prepared to revise Work backwards: start with defining highest level of performance
TIPS WHEN USING RUBRICS Get students involved in creating rubric Use for formative and summative assessment Give students rubric before assignment is due Use for self/peer assessment
RUBRIC RESOURCES Teaching tip: Scoring Rubrics Grading and Rubrics: TA support
Contact us! (613) 520-2600 Ext. 4433
REFERENCES Andrade, H. G. 2000. Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning. Educational Leadership 57(5): 13-18. Andrade, H. G. (2005). Teaching with rubrics: The good, the bad and the ugly. College Teaching, 53 (1), 27- 30. Scoring Rubrics Teaching Tip. Carleton Educational Development Centre. Weimer, Maryellen. “Rubrics: The Essentials.” Faculty Focus. November 30, 2010 Stevens, Dannelle D. & Antonia Levi. “Leveling the Field: Using Rubrics to Achieve Greater Equity in Teaching and Grading.”Essays on Teaching Excellence. POD Network. “What is a Rubric?” Relearning by Design, Inc. 2000 Cluster, Rodney L. “Rubrics: An Authentic Assessment Tool for Technology Education.” The Technology Teacher
IMAGE SOURCES teacher-ever-372c2