Quality Assurance For Emulsion Treatments In Pavement Preservation Quality Assurance Essentials Quality Assurance For Emulsion Treatments In Pavement Preservation By: Colin A. Franco, P.E. – RIDOT Todd Shields - IADOT Indianapolis – June 20-21, 2018
PPETG Emulsion Task Force and Quality Assurance Webinar Outline ETF Introduction ETF Mission ETF Accomplishments ETF Looking Ahead Overview of QA QA Specification for Chip Seal
PPETG Pavement Preservation Expert Task Group (PPETG) Established in 1991 – (Jim Sorenson of FHWA) Promote the institutionalization of the concepts of pavement preservation Parent group of “Emulsion Task Force” Note: The Emulsion Task Force (ETF) was created from the PPETG in 2008.
PPETG Mission of PPETG Goals of PPETG To advance and improve the state of the practice in the area of pavement preservation. Working collaboratively with: Federal Highway Industry (Contractors, Vendors, Suppliers) State Agencies Consultants Local Agencies Academia Goals of PPETG Acceptance and Implementation of pavement preservation by state and local agencies Integrate pavement preservation into pavement management / asset management
ETF ETF originally part of the ETG The ETF is an all volunteer stake holder working group ETF is now an AASHTO affiliated Group supported by the TSP2 program
ETF ETF - Original Mandate Develop Performance Based Methods and Specifications for Emulsions (SPG) Develop a Surface Performance Grade Specification for Emulsion (SPG) Develop Performance Based Specifications for Emulsion Treatments in AASHTO Format Materials specifications and tests Design practices Construction guide specs QA specifications
ETF - Original Mandate (cont.) Encourage Adoption of Uniform National Standards AASHTO – TSP2 PP Regional Partnerships AASHTO Comp FHWA – (PP)ETG TRB (Webinars)
Current Membership (2013 – Present) ETF Current Membership (2013 – Present) Co-Chair- Colin Franco RIDOT Co-Chair- Chris Lubbers - Kraton Polymers Members From: - Industry: AEMA/ ARRA/ ISSA/FP2 - Academia: CSU/ Tx A&M/ U.WISC/ NC State - State DOT’s: TX, IA, RI, MN - FHWA & Federal Lands - National Center Pavement Preservation (NCPP)
Current Subcommittees (2013 – Present) ETF Current Subcommittees (2013 – Present) Residue Recovery and Testing Arlis Kadrmas (Chair) BASF - AEMA Design Group Spray – Gary Hicks (Co-chair) - CSU Mix – Jim Moulthrop (Co-chair) - Fugro FP2 Supplier Certification and Quality Assurance Larry Galehouse Todd Shields (Co-Chair) - IADOT Recycling Emulsions ( VACANT ) Research (VACANT) SWG (Special Working Group) – Cood the SPG development and emulsion binder specifications among all the subcommittee/among treatments – Mike Voth (FHWA Lands)
ETF Development of a SPG Specification for Emulsion using Superpave Principles SWG Chair, Mike Voth of Federal Lands is leading this effort Research and Field studies being used for SPG development: TxDOT – Chip seals, Darren Hazlett with Dr. Amy Epps NCHRP project 9-50 – Dr. R. Kim at NC State Federal Lands chip seal research by Gayle King Note: SPG - Surface Performance Graded (2)This work will supplement the TxDOT SPG spec currently at the AASHTO SOM.
Emulsion Treatments Requiring AASHTO STDs ETF Emulsion Treatments Requiring AASHTO STDs Chip Seal Micro surfacing Tack Coat Fog Seal Scrub Sand Seal Slurry Seal Foam Asphalt Stabilization Bonded Surface Treatment (NOVA Chip) Cold Mixes Virgin Recycled CIR
Construction Guide Specs Emulsion Binder Standards AASHTO STANDARDS Emulsion Treatments M / MP T / TP R W/ SOM Comments Construction Guide Specs Best Practices Chip Seal MP27-16 PP82-16 NCHRP 14-37 Microsurfacing MP28-16 PP83-16 Tack Coat MP-XX* PP-XX* Fog Seal MP33-17 PP88-17 Scrub Seal Y** PP91-18 Sand Seal MP34-18 PP90-18 Slurry Seal MP32-17 PP87-17 Foam Asphalt Stabilization Bonded Surface Treatments (Nova Chip) Cold Recycled Mixtures MP31-17 PP86-17 NCHRP 9-62 Legend Emulsion Binder Standards NCHRP M=Material Specs Emulsified Asphalt M140-16 T=Test Methods Cationic Emulsified Asphalt M208-16 R=Design Practices Polymer-Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt M316-16 P=Provisional Emulsion/Surface Performance Grades 9-63 * Tack coat standards will be published in August 2018 ** Materials Spec on hold by ETF
PP Project Development ETF PP Project Development Project Selection – Pavement Management / Asset Management Project Contract Development
Asset Management Through Pavement Preservation ETF Asset Management Through Pavement Preservation
Pavement Preservation Project Development: ETF Pavement Preservation Project Development: Project Selection – for the STIP Pavement Management System Experience of Pavement/Maintenance Engineers Project Design/Contract Documents Materials standards and specs for Emulsion Treatments Materials Specifications (M-Stds) Materials Tests (T-Stds) Materials Design Practices (R-Stds)
(PP) Project Development (cont.) ETF (PP) Project Development (cont.) Construction guide Standards Construction Guide Specifications Quality Assurance Specifications Acceptance Decision Quality Control Independent Assurance Certification
QA Protocols - Emulsion ETF QA Protocols - Emulsion Outcome of a QA Program for All Emulsion Treatments based on 23 CFR 637 Materials QA: Acceptance Testing (Agency) QC - Quality Control (Contractor) IA - Independent Assurance (Agency) New Process / Product Acceptance Procedures Materials Certification: Agency Acceptance Plans QC Plans (Contractor) Vendor Supplied Material Certifications Workmanship QA: Equipment Calibration Construction Process Checks
ETF QA Protocols – (Cont.) Education and Training: Define the training needs for Agency / Contactor Staff Education and Training Resources NHI TCCC Industry Sponsored Training Certification Program for Contractor / Agency Field Staff Note: National Center for Pavement Preservation is taking the lead on education and training.
Pavement Preservation: Quality Assurance Essentials
Quality Assurance – Definition & Regulation AASHTO R10 & TRB Circular E-C 037 Quality Assurance – All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide confidence that a product or facility will perform satisfactorily in service … QA Regulated through 23 CFR 637
Source: IBA Consultants, Inc.
Quality Assurance Program Core Elements of a Quality Assurance Program Establishes the core programmatic elements required to achieve quality materials and workmanship. QA Program Agency Acceptance Dispute Resolution Independent Assurance Contractor QC Lab Qualification Personnel Qualification
Contractor Quality Control (QC) Quality Control - QC - “The system used by a Contractor to monitor, assess and adjust their production or placement processes to ensure that the final product will meet the specified level of quality.” Definition
Contractor Responsibility for Quality Control QC is the responsibility of the Contractor The party producing or placing the product is in the best position to exercise Quality Control
Scope of Quality Control Activities Contractor’s QC system should address: Materials production processes Materials transportation and handling Field placement procedures Calibration and maintenance of equipment Activities (sampling, testing and inspection) to maintain each process in control Means to make timely adjustments and corrections
Contractor QC Operating Documents – QC Plan Quality Control Plan - A project specific document prepared by the contractor which identifies QC personnel and procedures that will be used to maintain production and placement processes in control and meet the agency specification requirements. QC Plan
Agency Acceptance Program Agency determination of the quality of the product as specified in the contract requirements. Monitor adequacy of QA activity Verification sampling and Testing – materials, products, and workmanship Inspection / Monitoring of Workmanship
Acceptance Function The primary objectives of agency acceptance are: Measure the Quality of all materials produced and placed by the contractor Determine the corresponding payment the contractor should receive Acceptance is not focused on directing the methods used to achieve conformance
Independent Assurance - IA Independent Assurance - “Activities that are an unbiased and independent evaluation of all the sampling and testing procedures used in the Quality Assurance Program”
Independent Assurance – IA (cont.) Performed by Agency or Designated Agent personnel who are not directly responsible for project Acceptance sampling and testing Provides periodic independent evaluation of QC and Acceptance personnel and their equipment Not used to make a determination of work quality or acceptability
Laboratory Accreditation Required For: Agency Central Laboratories Consultant Labs used for Independent Assurance (IA) Consultant Labs used for Dispute Resolution
Laboratory Qualification Agency Laboratory Qualification Program For all other Labs performing sampling and testing that are utilized in the Agency’s acceptance decision
*May be used for qualification Requirement for Personnel Qualification / Certification A complete personnel qualification/certification program should include, at minimum: Formal training On-the-job training re-qualification intervals Proficiency demonstration A written exam* A process for disqualification or decertification *May be used for qualification
Materials Testing Dispute Resolution Dispute Resolution - The procedure used to resolve discrepancies between the Agency’s Acceptance and Contractor’s QC testing results that could impact payment. Dispute Resolution system required when QC results used in Acceptance decision.
Responsibility for Dispute Resolution Can be performed within the DOT Use of accredited third party laboratory can be used.
Questions ?
ETF Initiated Research Projects NCHRP Projects NCHRP 14-37 – Construction Guide Specs for Chipseal and Microsurfacing NCHRP 9-62 – Asphalt Treated cold recycled pavement – Rapid Tests and Specs D-21 – SPG Performance Specs for Emulsions ETF Sponsored Research Emulsion Residue Properties