Board of Directors Meeting 7/26/18
2.1: 2018 Strategic Progress Plan Overview and Work Plan Advance MAPS Infrastructure and Stratis Health Relationship Plan and host MAPS Conference Project-based Safety and Engagement Work Organization Standard Work
Advance MAPS Infrastructure and Stratis Health Relationship
Social Media Statistics for Engagement Facebook Include Always: 110 followers, post reach 14-36 people MAPS: 50 followers, post reach 12-25 people Twitter Include Always: 79 followers MAPS: 43 followers Instagram Include Always: 19 followers, video views 35+, post likes 30+ Websites: MAPS, Include Always, and You Are Your Own Best Medicine
MAPS Communication Plan Anticipated communications and updates 3rd Quarter prior to conference Introduction, update on achievements (e.g. community gathering, social media presence), conference promotion November Contributions Request conference re-cap, update on Stratis Health partnership, potential of national steering committee work End of Year wrap-up Appreciation, update project work and CTSI grant if any Work forthcoming on co-branding and membership evolving to contribution model