FIRST FEEDBACK and YOUR PROGRESS 1. You have likely received feedback from your tutors on your 1st assessment or completed a 1st quiz. If not, ask your tutors to give feedback on your performance in each unit. 2. Feedback is the compass of how you are progressing in your units. Use your tutors’ feedback to find: ➢ your strong study skills and units you are doing well in; ➢ areas, skills and units needing improvement. 3. Seek help proactively to improve your progress: ➢ Check if your unit has a Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS): PASS timetable (F2F or online) ➢ Seek assistance for written assessments from Study Smart advisors: (F2F in the library or online) ➢ If you study accounting, biology, chemistry, computing, construction, engineering, nursing, sport sci, check Mathematics Education Support Hub (MESH): Census date has passed. What does it mean? ➢ You will now be liable for fees or HECS/FEE debt, and receive grades for all your units. ➢ If you haven’t supplied a correct tax file number for HECS-HELP loan or paid your fees, you will be discontinued from units and lose access to vUWS. ➢ Do you have extenuating circumstances for why you can’t continue units after Census? Have you been discontinued from your units? Contact Student Central to discuss your options