August 29- September 16 Emotionalism Drawing
August 29 Students will… Review different composition Take a photo which is has a good composition
Rule of Thirds Says that it is more interesting to place a subject matter on a third of the plan
Triangle Rule Triangle rule says that if you put your subject matter in the center of the composition it should take up most of the composition and be triangle shaped.
Foreshortening to reduce or distort (parts of a represented object that are not parallel to the picture plane) in order to convey the illusion of three-dimensional space as perceived by the human eye: often done according to the rules of perspective
Formative Assessment 50 points Photography Students will be taking a photo which portrays some sort of emotion based on one of the following rules. This photo will be used for a charcoal drawing We will be using lighting to create high contrast. Formative Assessment 50 points
Summative Assessment August 30- Sept 16 Emotionalism Grid Drawing Powder charcoal ground White Charcoal grid Vine Sketch Compressed Value Summative Assessment
Grid Grid the photo by 1 inch boxes Grid the paper by 2 inch boxes
Drawing Start Drawing each box for box.