Mrs. Torrezs Creed Here is what you must know to succeed in my class, There is no need for fear, so sit back and relax. Now listen up girls; put away combs and gel, And, boys, wear deodorant; we dont want you to smell. When you enter my room, you should silence your phones; Get after your bell work – on this work alone. Then jot down assignments and know the days goal, And please pay attention, for learnings your role. Assignments are due the next day – thats a rule; Not doing your homework is simply not cool! Well work as a whole class, individual, and group; Feel free to ask questions; youll need the whole scoop. When I need your full silence, Ill hold up my hand, And begin to count backwards – its an easy command. Well work bell to bell, for being lazys a crime; No packing up early; lets wisely use time. So enter with joy – Im delighted youre here. 6 th Grade is a magical, wonderful year!
Welcome Open House 6th Grade Reading and Language Arts My name is Audree Torrez and this is my first year teaching at Olde Towne Middle School. I have taught 6 th grade Reading and Language Arts as well as second and third grades in Florida before moving here this July. I grew up in Brandon, MS, but have lived with my husband and three children in Naples and Orlando, Florida for the past 10 years. I love teaching 6 th grade and look forward to learning more about your terrific children! My contact is Lets work together and keep the lines of communication open so that your student can grow academically and socially this year. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION – PLEASE SAVE AND SEND IN TO ME! THANK YOU!!!
Have you… Paid a $25.00 Workbook Fee? This fee covers your childs agenda, vocabulary workbook, a class magazine, and a portion of the cost of Study Island. Signed and returned the last page of the Student Handbook? Checked out my class web page? Bookmark my page through the schools website and check it daily for homework updates. Asked to see your childs Agenda?
9 Weeks Testing Case 21 will be used this year as a monitoring and testing tool. The students will take a Case 21 test, not a teacher-made test, at the end of each nine weeks. This test will count as a major test in the grading system.
Car Rider Line Reminder Car riders may not be dropped off before 7:35. If you are later than 8:00, you must drive your child to the front of the school for drop off.
Bathroom Procedures Two passes per nine week period per class will be distributed. Students who do not use a pass can add two points per pass to the Case 21 exam. Once two passes have been used for a class period, the student will not be permitted to use the bathroom again in that class.
Homework is due the day after it is assigned for this class! English Language Arts does not follow the A day/B day schedule. ELA classes meet every day. The ELA notebook must be sent to school with your student each day. If homework is left in the other binder, the grade will be a zero. We are encouraging organization and good time management. If a student does not have his or her homework, a pink slip must be completed and signed. If pink slips happen often, a parent will be called.
A Day/B Day Everyday! The English and Reading classes are combined for 6 th grade. As a result, your student will meet with me each day of the week. We will not follow the A Day/B Day binder policy. All work, regardless of Reading or English, will be due the day after it is assigned. There are no excuses for not having work.
One Grade on Report Cards Your child will have a combined English and Reading grade under English Language Arts on the report card. Do not be alarmed if you see a blank space next Reading on the report card.
Misbehavior A yellow card will be distributed to any student who does not behave respectfully or who is not on task. If a student receives two yellow cards in one class period, parents will be notified and the student will receive an office referral.
Rewards Students are rewarded with Torrez tickets for staying on task, and showing good character. Torrez tickets can be exchanged for: 5 tickets = treasure box visit 10 tickets = homework pass for my class only 1 or more = gift card drawing each 9 weeks
Syllabus Your student will receive a class syllabus and list of I can statements on Monday. Please read through the syllabus, sign it, and return it to me by the end of next week. Your student will need the following highlighter colors when we start reading novels: pink, yellow, green, blue Notice that The Westing Game should be purchased this nine weeks. Please have this purchased by the Tuesday after Labor Day, September 3, 2013.
Wish List If you would like to provide one or two extra supplies for this class, please pick up a sticky note from the door. I thank you in advance for your donation and support!