HRM and Role of HR Manager Spirit of HRM and Role of HR Manager Role of HR Manager Personnel Role Welfare Role Administrative Role Legal Role Advisory-advising management on effective use of HR Research on personnel & organizational problems Time keep up Grievance handling Manpower planning, recruitment and recruitment and selection, etc. Managing services, i.e. canteen, transport, medical, etc. Salary and wage administration Settlement of dispute Training and Development Group dynamics, group leadership, motivation, communication, conflict, etc. Maintenance of HR records Discipline maintenance Measurement of assessment of individual as well as group behavior Housekeeper Collective bargaining Performance and potential appraisal Worker’s participation, Joint consultation
Roles Played by an HR Manager 2-23 Roles Played by an HR Manager Administrative roles Policy maker Administrative expert Advisor Housekeeper Counselor Welfare officer Legal consultant Operational roles Recruiter Trainer, developer, motivator Coordinator/linking pin Mediator Cont…
Roles Played by an HR Manager 2-24 Roles Played by an HR Manager Employee champion Placing people on the right job Charting a suitable career path Rewarding good performance Resolving differences Adopting family-friendly policies Ensuring fair and equitable treatment Striking balance between employee expectations and Organizational requirements Representing workers' problems and concerns to management Strategic roles Change agent Strategic partner
Objectivity and Impartiality Emotional Intelligence Leadership 2-24 QUALITIES OF HR MANAGER Communication Skills Analytical Ability Compliance Objectivity and Impartiality Emotional Intelligence Leadership Problem solving ability Interpersonal Skills Approachable and Compassionate: Educated
Job Advertisement of a HR manager
Job Description of a HR manager
Job Description of a HR manager – contd.
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