One voice for staff Staff who volunteer their time to represent and advocate issues/concerns for all staff members Getting involved to help improve the quality of life Decisions that may affect staff Communication with leadership
Who do we represent? Staff Council represent the Classified and APT (Administrative Professional and Technical) employees who are NOT represented by a collective bargaining agent in areas that may include but are not limited to: student affairs, excluding those relating exclusively to faculty; personnel policies and regulations; compensation and benefits; and other issues affecting the work environment and/or the general welfare of the university staff BOR Chapter 03.01
“Staff Council is the MEGAPHONE for all UAS Staff” – Kolene James “Staff Council is the MEGAPHONE for all UAS Staff” – Kolene James Staff Council President “Our goal is to empower our colleagues by listening and working with our campuses to improve employee satisfaction.” Kolene James
What do the people we represent want or need from us? “More interesting and applicable trainings. Strong advocacy for staff in the areas of pay, benefits, training, travel, and so on. “ -David Felts, Member-At Large Sitka 2014-2016
How does staff benefit or change from our service and helping them? “Staff council exists to promote the wants and needs of UAS non-represented staff members. When staff collaborate on important decisions, changes can be made to benefit all UAS employees.” - Teal Gordon, Staff Council Secretary 2014-2016
Your Staff Council Goals for FY2017 Adjust the constitution to include an incentive for participating/ serving on the Staff Council Build advocacy and awareness of Staff Council and their value Ensure communication reaches staff (changes that impacts staff) Assist in providing consistent staff training Action- Discuss w/CHRO about incentive and including participation within governance on performance evaluation
Ketchikan Member at Large Kolene President Amelia Sitka Member at Large Gwenna Vice President Marianne Ketchikan Member at Large Mae Juneau Member at Large Janelle Secretary
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