Fish assemblage Salmonids Cyprinids Benthic fishes Coldwater fishes Catostomids Benthic fishes Coldwater fishes
Scaling of fish assemblages and habitat relationships
Patchiness in fish distribution (WARM stream)
COOL stream
COLD stream
Spatial variability of juvenile chinook in a WARM stream Middle Fork John Day River
COOL stream North Fork John Day River
COLD stream Wenaha River
Multivariate analysis of community structure in a WARM stream Middle Fork John Day River
COOL stream North Fork John Day River
COLD stream Wenaha River
Within-stream variability North Fork John Day River Downstream section
Scale-dependent relationships Effects of spatial extent on ecological relationships (Nekola and Wagner 2001) Thermal crossover between warm- and coldwater species 20-22°C
Torgersen, C. E. , C. V. Baxter, H. W. Li, and B. A. McIntosh. 2006 Torgersen, C. E., C. V. Baxter, H. W. Li, and B. A. McIntosh. 2006. Landscape influences on longitudinal patterns of river fishes: Spatially continuous analysis of fish-habitat relationships. Pages 473-492 in R. M. Hughes, L. Wang, and P. W. Seelbach, editors. Landscape influences on stream habitats and biological assemblages. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.