Qin falls and Han begins The King is Dead… Long live the King! Slideshow from www.advancedplacementhistory.com
Why did the Qin fall? Failed to rule with humanity many peasant rebellions, 3 assassination attempts, Shi Huangdi’s death, his son failed as a ruler lost the Mandate of Heaven
Han Dynasty 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E. (c. 400 years) Overview The Han continued the Q’in organization and empire to build a strong but humane government, great wealth, good Confucian education for upper class men, important inventions and excellent long distance trade.
Han Politics Liu Bang 1st Han Emperor replaced Legalism with Confucianism Chang’an is capital Wu di important emperor Confucianism teaches that Emperor is Responsible for keeping harmony Must model goodness and virtue Often attacked from central Asian nomads
Largest city in the world Carefully planned Chang’an Largest city in the world Carefully planned Great trade center on Silk Road Wealthy and beautiful What about this map suggests that Chang’an was a city of an advanced civilization? Answers might include: Grid pattern. Palaces and administrative buildings suggest centralized governments. Markets suggest trade.
Confucian Civil Service Examination Han government officials chosen by scores on a Confucian poetry and moral code test Han started schools to train candidates Curriculum is Confucius’s teachings, Chinese history, and Chinese law.
Han Economy peasant life Military service required of oldest male a month’s labor for govt per year textile manufacturing, water mills iron casting led to steel Chinese traders were able to sail into the Indian Ocean, expanding trade tremendously. SILK Road across Asia to Middle East connects China to Persia, India and Rome
Religion/Philosophy Confucianism is VERY influential in govt and social life People follow Confucian morals in all aspects of life Buddhism came to China via the Silk Road
Han Society Population tripled to 50 million less land per person Farming techniques improved Many people moved to cities Chinese migrated into central Asia Government must provide peace & prosperity, & education
Han Innovations SCIENCE MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY Diagnosed diseases. herbal remedies used anesthetics. Acupuncture Wrote texts on chemistry, zoology, and botany. Astronomy popular Invented seismograph TECHNOLOGY Paper invented (pic to right) Invented the rudder, fore/aft sails to sail into the wind fishing reels, wheelbarrows, and suspension bridges.
Fore Aft Sails, Fishing reel, Water wheel, rudder
Han Great Wall Extended the Q’in wall 1500 miles Many more towers and soldiers to guard China
Han Art grand temples and palaces. jade and ivory carvings and ceramic figures. Improved bronzeworking and silkmaking techniques. Revival of Chinese landscape painting.
Han Fall Han rulers love for wealth and pleasure weakened the government; often corrupt and brutal. The Han dynasty fell in A.D. 220. Fiscal crisis (they were broke) Raised taxes Peasants get angry Revolts lead to the downfall of the govt The Huns attack over the wall China descends into chaos and warlike states rule for 350 years
China’s Time of Troubles 220-589 China is not unified under a single Emperor Return of regional rule and many small regional wars