Spatial Analysis Using Grids CIVE 835- GIS in Water Resources Fall 2016 by Ayse Kilic with materials from David G. Tarboton, Utah State University and from ESRI software
Spatial Analysis Using Grids Learning Objectives Continuous surfaces or spatial fields representation of geographical information Grid data structure for representing numerical and categorical data How to perform Map algebra raster calculations Interpolation methods for rasters Tools that we are going to cover Map algebra; Interpolation; slope
Documentation for ArcMap can be found under “Manage Data” data Information about “Raster and images” can be located under “Data Types” on the left
Raster and Images, starting from "Introduction/What is raster data" to end of " Tutorials and workflows"
Archived, but it is sill available at http://resources. arcgis Raster and Images, starting from "Introduction/What is raster data" to end of " Fundamentals of raster data/Rasters with functions" Reading assignment
Readings – at Archived, but it is sill available Readings – at What is the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension and Essential ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension vocabulary
1. Discrete (vector) and 2. Continuous (raster) data Discrete is also called thematic, categorical, or discontinuous data Continuous Continuous Discrete is also called thematic, categorical, or discontinuous data. These are all objects. House, stream, lake are separate units in discrete view (each is an object) Raster are not objects. Each location has a value Continuous- defined everywhere and usually an equal gridded spacing. Just tells us the value for a pixels. Discrete Discrete data are groups of individual objects. Each object can be different (roads, streams, houses) Continuous data are grids of pixels where each pixel has a value. Therefore the information is continuous in space. Anywhere you go, there is a value (a pixel value). Images from
To summarize: Two fundamental ways of representing spatial geography are discrete (separated) objects and rasters (fields). The discrete object view represents the real world as individual objects with well defined boundaries in empty space. (x1,y1) Points Lines Polygons The field view represents the real world as a finite number of variables, and each variable is defined at each possible position. Discrete: distinct, detached, disconnected, discontinuous Raster representation - Every point has a value. Both systems are useful and serves an important purpose x y f(x,y) Continuous surface
Different Ways for Numerical representation of a spatial surface (field) Real World 1. Grid or Raster 2. TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) 3. Contour and flowline (Mesh) Elevation and contours are overlaid on the upper right figure. Fields can represent any number of two or three dimensional surfaces (any kind of gridded data)
Common Uses of Raster Data Rasters as basemaps (i.e. aerial Photo, satellite imagery, scanned maps) Rasters as surface maps of characteristics (i.e. elevation) Rasters as thematic maps (i.e. landuse)
A grid defines geographic space as a mesh of identically-sized square cells. Each cell holds a numeric value that measures a geographic attribute (like elevation) for that unit of space. 549 542 538 534 528 522 518 512 548 541 536 530 524 515 511 558 551 532 525 519 571 559 544 537 514 585 583 576 563 505 606 593 578 546 513 497 612 600 584 568 550 533 516 611 586 498 601 592 580 565 545 508 594 577 570 560 547 521 614 605 597 588 575 527 622 603 595 620 610 582 554 627 616 604 574 564 631 618 572 566 557 628 591 552 602 561 617 590 573 562 613 567 579 553 569 Elevation (meter) for part of Upper Klamath Basin, OR
Raster vs. Vector Data Vector Raster Point Line Polygon Raster data are described by a cell grid, one value per cell Vector Raster single cell Point Line line of cells DRM Polygon zone of cells
Line as a Sequence of Cells How do we define a line (stream) using grid cells? in GIS, we can create a line in a raster system by identifying a continuous sequence of adjacent cells.
Stream Networks Using Cells The same number identifies cells that are in the same reach We give groups of cells the same value to show that they are part of the same sub-system. Red cells are ‘nodes’ where two segments join together.
Polygons as Zones of Grid Cells How do you make polygons from raster? Groups of raster that have the same value When we use grid cells, we have to break down polygon shapes like lakes or soil types into individual grid cells We start on the left with a accurate picture of well-defined boundaries and we end up with a pixelated view on the right
To summarize: Raster and Vector are two methods of representing geographic data in GIS Both represent different ways to encode and generalize geographic phenomena Both can be used to encode both fields and discrete objects In practice there is a strong association between raster and fields and vector and discrete objects DRM
Characteristics of Grids A grid is defined by extent, spacing, and perhaps a no data value Extent is the Number of rows, Number of columns Top-left and bottom-right coordinates Spacing is the Cell size (X and Y) NODATA is outside the extent or is undefined Number of Columns Number of rows Extent: How big do you want it to be? Where does it start? Spacing: How big you want the cells to be (X,Y) NODATA cell Cell size Extent: How big do you want it to be? Where does it start? Spacing: How big do you want the cells to be
Types of Grid Values There are two types of grids: Integer and Floating point Use integer grids to represent discrete data (land use classes) Use floating-point grids to represent continuous data (elevation) Grids may have associated attribute table (especially for integers) Attribute tables describe overall characteristics for the entire grid
Grids Using Floating Point (Decimal Numbers) ET from center pivots Continuous data surfaces using floating point or decimal numbers Examples are ET (evapotranspiration), elevation, precipitation
Grids Using Integers (Categorical) Integer valued grids to represent zones Examples are Landuse classes, soil types, political units
A Value Attribute Table (VAT) is used to summarize categorical (integer) grid data Attributes of grid zones
How are values for (Floating Point) Rasters determined? There are three ways that a “Value” for a grid cell is determined from Michael F. Goodchild. (1997) Rasters, NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIScience,, posted October 23, 1997
Cell size of raster data The level of detail (of features/phenomena) represented by a raster is dependent on the cell size. (Cell size matters!!!) Estimates of area Discrete data If you use 1 meter cell, the area for polygon (count the number) is 73 of them If you use 4 meter cell, the area for polygon (there are 5 cells; each cell is 16 m2) is 80 m2. The cell must be small enough to capture the required detail but large enough so computer storage and analysis can be performed efficiently.
Integer Rasters (Categorical) How do we determine the value for each cell? Conversion from vector to raster Central point rule (which category is at the center of the cell?) Largest share rule (which category dominates?) Central point rule- Look at the center of pixel and take that value Winner takes it all! Whatever is happening at the center
Map Algebra/Raster Calculation Water Balance Example Precipitation - Losses (Evaporation + Infiltration) = Runoff 5 2 3 4 7 6 - = We can do cell by cell evaluation of mathematical functions 5-3= 2
For example: Runoff generation processes Infiltration excess overland flow (known as Horton overland flow) P P f P qo f Partial area infiltration excess overland flow P P P qo f Delete or skip this slide. P Saturation excess overland flow P P qo qr qs
Runoff generation at a point depends on Rainfall intensity or amount Antecedent moisture conditions Soils and vegetation type Depth to water table (topography) Time scale of interest These factors vary spatially. They can all be represented by raster layers. That suggests using a spatial approach (GIS) to estimate runoff. Use the power of computers!
Cell based generation of runoff and routing of discharge Radar Precipitation grid Soil and land use grids Calculate a Runoff grid from raster-based calculations using runoff generation formulas We use a DEM to show accumulation and routing of runoff within watersheds
Raster calculation – some complications Sometimes different layers have different: Cell size Extent Projection We need to tell Arc how to combine these data layers. We may need to reproject, and resample to a common cell size. +
Raster calculation – some complications An Analysis Mask is used to tell Arc how to resample or interpolate (and reproject) inputs to the target extent, cell size, and projection + = Analysis mask (Domain) Analysis cell size Analysis extent
Spatial Snowmelt Raster Calculation Example 40 50 55 43 47 41 44 42 100 m 150 m 4 6 2 4 Taking snow depth today Subtract what melted Find snow depth at next day
Lets describe the Rasters in ArcGIS snow.asc ncols 3 nrows 3 xllcorner 0 yllcorner 0 cellsize 100 NODATA_value -9999 40 50 55 42 47 43 42 44 41 temp.asc ncols 2 nrows 2 xllcorner 0 yllcorner 0 cellsize 150 NODATA_value -9999 4 6 2 4
Creating Raster Files from the Ascii 1. First copy and save each of the columns in the previous slide into a WordPad file. For example, copy: ncols 2 nrows 2 xllcorner 0 yllcorner 0 cellsize 150 NODATA_value -9999 4 6 2 4 to a text file and name it temp.asc Do the same thing for snow.asc ncols 3 nrows 3 cellsize 100 40 50 55 42 47 43 42 44 41 4 2 6 150 m
Creating Raster Files from the ASCII 1. First copy and save each of the columns in the previous slide into a WordPad file. For example, copy: ncols 2 nrows 2 xllcorner 0 yllcorner 0 cellsize 150 NODATA_value -9999 4 6 2 4 to a text file and name it temp.asc The above is the ‘format’ that Arc ‘understands.’ Do the same thing for snow.asc 2. Go to the ASCII to Raster Converter tool in the Arc Toolbox:
Creating Raster Files from ASCII files 3. In the ASCII to Raster tool, ‘point’ to where the snow.asc (or temp.asc) file is stored 4. Point to where the output will be stored and give it a name like “snow_100m” 5. Set the output data type to “FLOAT” so that it can have a decimal value.
Screenshot of ArcGIS with two layers (snow and temperature) The two layers that have been loaded into ArcGIS
Now we can perform the New depth calculation using Raster Calculator “snow100” - 0.5 * “temp150” Enter Formula Dnew= Dold – 0.5 T The two layers that have been loaded into ArcGIS Environments settings (see next slide)
Use Environment Settings to select Cell Size of the Product (look under “Raster Analysis”) Tell Arc how to resample or interpolate (and reproject) inputs to the target extent, cell size In this case, we could select the 100 m cell size of the snow depth (minimum)
Use Environment Settings to select Cell Size of the Product Tell Arc how to resample or interpolate (and reproject) inputs to the target extent, cell size But, instead, let’s produce a 150 m output by selecting Maximum of Inputs Now we can press run (OK) on the raster calculator.
Snow Depth on Day 2 at 100 m using Minimum cell size (minimum of inputs) 38 52 47 41 42 39 45 But, note that these results are ‘wrong’ because Arc has ‘resampled’ temperature from 150 m to 100 m using nearest neighbor (NN) resampling. Instead, we want to use bilinear resampling. Therefore, we will (later) first resample T to 100 m using bilinear and THEN we will make the calculation. Note: When Arc does NN resampling, and there is a “tie” between two cells (because they are both the same distance away from the cell being calculated), Arc choses the cell to the right, or the cell below, or both
The Result for Snow Depth on Day 2 (colorized) using Maximum cell size Outputs are on 150 m grid. How were values obtained ? 38 52 41 39
Example and Pixel Inspector
When input layers have different cell sizes When we have two different input cell sizes, we have to specify one of them for the output cell size. If you specify using the layer having the maximum cell size, then the input layers having the smaller cell size will be resampled. The default resampling in Arc uses Nearest Neighbor 40 50 55 43 47 41 44 42 100 m Inside Arc: The NN resampling grabs the input cell that is closest to the center of the output cell 38 52 4 2 6 150 m Nearest Neighbor Resampling with Cellsize Maximum of Inputs There are 9 of 100 m cells Only 4 of them will be selected for the calculations (because we use NN) 150 m 41 39 Output raster There are 9 of the 100 m cells Only 4 of them will be selected for the calculations (because we use NN) See next slide
Nearest Neighbor (NN) Resampling of the Snow Depth of Day 1 using Cell size based on “Maximum of Inputs” The NN resampling grabs the input cell that is closest to the center of the output cell Red symbols are centers of the 150 m cells 40 50 55 43 47 41 44 42 100 m Resampled Snow Depth to 150 m 40 55 Nearest Neighbor Resampling with Cellsize Maximum of Inputs 42 41 Resampling the 100 meter input to 150 meters using NN There are Nine 100 m cells . Only 4 of them will be selected for the calculations (because we use NN). Note that some spatial information is lost during resampling.
Snow melt calculation using the Nearest Neighbor (NN) Resampled snow depth based on “Maximum of Inputs” Resampled Snow Depth to 150 m Now we can make calculations with all the inputs and outputs at 150 meter 40 55 40-0.5*4 = 38 Dold 55-0.5*6 = 52 38 52 42 41 42-0.5*2 = 41 Dnew 4 2 6 150 m Nearest Neighbor Resampling with Cellsize Maximum of Inputs 41-0.5*4 = 39 41 39 However, only 4 of original snow depths were utilized because we use NN. T
Nearest Neighbor (NN) Resampling using Cell size based on “Maximum of Inputs” We could have combined the resampling and calculations into one step as shown here (this is what Arc Does) 40 50 55 43 47 41 44 42 100 m Red symbols are centers of the 150 m cells 40-0.5*4 = 38 Dold 55-0.5*6 = 52 38 52 42-0.5*2 = 41 Dnew 4 2 6 150 m Nearest Neighbor Resampling with Cellsize Maximum of Inputs 41-0.5*4 = 39 41 39 There are Nine 100 m cells Only 4 of them will be selected for the calculations (because we use NN) T
The Selection of the Cell size and sampling frequency need to agree with the behavior of our data We need to sample more frequently to capture high frequency changes We need to sample a longer series to capture the full data extent If we are interested in behavior of the process (i.e. solar radiation), we need to sample frequently enough 2) You don’t even know that there is a valley because you did not sample a larger extent/area 3) Too large of a cell size to sample, you miss the resolution. For example, sampling temperature of center pivot field using MODIS From: Blöschl, G., (1996), Scale and Scaling in Hydrology, Habilitationsschrift, Weiner Mitteilungen Wasser Abwasser Gewasser, Wien, 346 p. We need to use a smaller cell size to capture the full range of values For example, sampling temperature of center pivot field using MODIS
Interpolation and Resampling We can resample to Estimate values between known values A set of spatial analyst functions that predict values for a surface from a limited number of sample points creating a continuous raster. Apparent improvement in resolution may not be justified
Interpolation methods Nearest neighbor Inverse distance weight Bilinear interpolation Kriging (best linear unbiased estimator) Spline Cubic convolution Known data points are large red circles Bilinear : points on the left, right, below, above. 5 points Cubic convolution: Uses 8 points Nearest Neighbor (gets the values from the closest old cell). We want to create a grid of the small red circles Bilinear : use points on the left, right, below, above. (4 points) Cubic convolution: Uses 8 points Nearest Neighbor (gets the values from the closest old cell). (For resampling only)
Resampling in Arc
Resampling Methods in Arc
Resample 150 m Temperature data to 100 m to get consistent cell size and better resolution Spacing & Support Lets redo the calculations at 100 m resolution by resampling temperature from 150 m to 100 m using bilinear 4 6 2 5 3 Black values are original The white values are resampled with BiLinear Bi-linear uses linear interpolation in two (bi) directions The new 100 m values make sense!! Air Temperature, C
Cell by cell snowmelt calculations using 100 m cell size We are now using ALL of the original snow depth data. Nothing is being thrown away 40 50 55 43 47 41 44 42 100 m 40-0.5*4 = 38 50-0.5*5 = 47.5 55-0.5*6 = 52 42-0.5*3 = 40.5 38 47.5 52 47-0.5*4 = 45 43-0.5*5 = 40.5 40.5 45 40.5 42-0.5*2 = 41 4 5 6 44-0.5*3 = 42.5 150 m 39 41 42.5 4 6 41-0.5*4 = 39 3 4 5 2 4 Two inputs on the left have the same 100 m resolution 2 3 4 Resampled Temperature to 100 m
Re-Calculated Snow Depth with consistent 100 m cell size “snow100” - 0.5 * “temp100” 38 52 41 39 47.5 40.5 42.5 45
Re-Calculation with consistent 100 m cell size grid “snow100” - 0.5 * “temp100” Note, if we compare these results with the original result using automatic nearest neighbor resampling and minimum cell size, we see a slight difference. 38 52 41 39 47.5 40.5 42.5 45 38 52 47 41 42 39 45 (w/ NN) (w/ bilinear)
Conclusion Don’t let Arc ‘decide’ on which interpolation/resampling to use. ALWAYS resample the layers yourself using the best resampling approach (NN, bilinear, etc.) THEN make the calculations
Illustration of different Interpolation techniques When you have to create a grid from a limited set of data points
Interpolation methods Nearest neighbor Inverse distance weight Bilinear interpolation Kriging (best linear unbiased estimator) Spline Cubic convolution Known data points are large red circles Bilinear : points on the left, right, below, above. 5 points Cubic convolution: Uses 8 points Nearest Neigbor (gets the values from the closets old cell). We want to create a grid of the small red circles (For resampling only)
Nearest Neighbor “Thiessen” Polygon Interpolation Point to Raster Interpolation Spline Interpolation Nearest Neighbor “Thiessen” Polygon Interpolation Light blue area all gets the same value measured at the black dot in the center
Interpolation Comparison Thin plate spline Thiessen Inverse Distance Squared Kriging (zero nugget, large range) IDW and Thiessen refuses to go above local maximum and below local minimum. Sixth order polynomial Kriging (different nugget and range parameters) Grayson, R. and G. Blöschl, ed. (2000)
Further Reading Grayson, R. and G. Blöschl, ed. (2000), Spatial Patterns in Catchment Hydrology: Observations and Modelling, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 432 p. Chapter 2. Spatial Observations and Interpolation Full text online at:
Summary Concepts Grid (raster) data structures represent surfaces as an array of grid cells Raster calculation involves algebraic like operations on grids Interpolation and Generalization is an inherent part of the raster data representation