The art of argumentation Debate The art of argumentation
What debate is not- Not a cat fight that attacks a person
What debate is not- Arguing- Exchanging conflicting views in a heated way
Debate is- Disagreement in which two sides attempt to convince a judge or an audience that their position is superior to the other. A speaker uses Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to accomplish persuading the judge. Developed by philosopher Aristotle-
Ethos- Credibility in a speaker Comes from conveying knowledge on the topic and/or your office/position. If I don’t trust/believe you I will not vote for you. Ex- Firefighter speaking on fires This speaker lost his ethos- First HL is Zach Wahls 2nd is herman cane speaking on what is lybia
Pathos- Use of emotional appeal. You use your voice and emotional appeal to win. 2016 Khan But don’t over do it…
Logos- Using logic from data and evidence to make your point. You will use type of persuasion the most in debate. Policy Debate is evidence based. Ex. 1:5 students in the US live in poverty. Ex. Using cell phones while driving distracts you the same as having a .1 BAC
Debate- Benefits of: Develops decision making skills All forms have intellectual exchange of ideas You have a social responsibility to be informed and ask WHY! Let’s not be like these people- Trump on Khan Trump on Charlotteville
Importance of Debate in a Democratic Society Helps decide meaning of the past Why Slavery? Dropping atomic bomb Decides values of the present Transgender Rights Decriminalizing marijuana Permits evaluation of alternative futures What happens if we do nothing to stop climate change? Should Muslims be banned from the US? Protects our Rights and Liberties- Guns, Privacy, driving, travel, and others.
In debate there is- Essence of Controversy- There is truth to both sides of an issue . Ex- Increasing funding for STEM education Benefit- develop coding classes for students Negative- cost, t/o w/ other class.
Resolution: =Topic (what are we debating) Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its funding and/or regulation of elementary and/or secondary education in the United States.
Essential Question Substantially- What would a large amount regulation increase look like? Regulation- does it include prohibition of something? K12- Does not include preschool! Education- What does this mean? Only teaching? Nurses? Counselors? Lunch? Testing? Only ed controlled by fed gov?
Novice Topic Limits What 1st year debaters are debating. 1) Charter/voucher schools Chapter School- Voucher School- 2) STEM Education Science, Technology, Engineering, Math 3) States Counterplan (Neg Argument) Making states do it has benefits
So NO Plans to do this-
Events Offered- Think Track Debate Speech and Interp Running Events Field Events
Events offered- Policy Debate Public Forum Partner- debate on a Proposition of policy Expresses a specific action or policy should be adopted. Ex- Should we increase of economic/diplomatic engagement with China? Public Forum Partner- debate on a monthly proposition of fact. Expresses of judgment about an actual event (is it true or not) Debate a side supporting or negating Ex. In United States public K-12 schools, the probable cause standard ought to apply to searches of students.
Events Offered- Lincoln-Douglass Debate 1 Person Proposition of Value Expresses a judgment about the worth or value of a particular idea. Debate about what particular value state is preferable. Ex- plea bargaining ought to be abolished
Individual Events- Oral Interp Duo Partner acting Event Humor Funny Acting Drama- Sad Acting No props or costumes used You become the characters through body position, voice, and actions All are 8-10 mins Can be kid stories, cuttings from plays, books.
For Interp See these coaches Mr. McCafferty- Ms. Wang
Individual Events- Speech Oratory- 10 min persuasive speech- memorized On a societal ill or problem Relationships, entitlement, impatient Inform 10 min speech on a topic that you inform me about Pirates, pangolins, comic books, Starbucks- you know they sold coffee makers? Foreign Extemp- Use news articles to write speech- provides your evidence 6 min speech on a foreign question 30 min prep Domestic Extemp 6 min speech on a domestic Question
About the Activity: Governed by the National Speech and Debate Association Earn 25 NFL points to become member of the Student Honor Society (Also to be eligible for an A or B in class) Looks great on awards for college applications 6 pts for a win (Debate) 3 pts for a loss (Debate) Ranks 1- 6pts, 2- 5pts, 3- 4pts and so forth.