Complete the pedigree tracing red hair in this family Complete the pedigree tracing red hair in this family. The trait in question is always shaded in. Can you tell if Red hair is recessive or dominant? Determine the genotypes of each person. If you don’t know 2nd allele leave a _ If a person is “carrier” or heterozygous for the trait shade them half way in.
The following pedigree traces Huntington’s in this family. Huntington’s is dominant disease that causes progressive muscle loss. Those shaded in have the dominant trait, therefore in completing this there will be no carriers (no half shaded in)
Common Sex-linked disorders/traits 1. Red-Green Colorblindness 2 Common Sex-linked disorders/traits 1. Red-Green Colorblindness 2. Hemophilia 3. Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy 4. Male-inherited baldness
Red – Green Colorblindness
Karyotypes Female Male
Contains files for making men “men” Females Males Contains files for making men “men” X Chromosome X Chromosome X Chromosome Y Chromosome
Human Chromosomes Sex Chromosomes – Carry genes that determine the gender of an individual Males - XY (Y determines sex – male genes); typically Females – XX; typically Often referred to as the 23rd chromosomes
Sex Determination – Punnett Square
Classic Sex-linked inheritance problem. A man has normal vision (not colorblind) How do we write his genotype? His spouse is a carrier for colorblindness How do we write her genotype?
Figure 14-13 Colorblindness Section 14-2 Father (normal vision) Normal vision Colorblind Male Female Daughter (normal vision) Son (normal vision) Mother (carrier) Daughter (carrier) Son (colorblind) Go to Section:
Genotype of Mom ___________ x ______________ Genotype of Dad
Figure 14-13 Colorblindness Section 14-2 Father (normal vision) Normal vision Colorblind Male Female Daughter (normal vision) Son (normal vision) Mother (carrier) Daughter (carrier) Son (colorblind) Go to Section:
Figure 14-3 A Pedigree Section 14-1 Go to Section: A circle represents a female. A square represents a male. A horizontal line connecting a male and female represents a marriage. A vertical line and a bracket connect the parents to their children. A half-shaded circle or square indicates that a person is a carrier of the trait. A circle or square that is not shaded indicates that a person neither expresses the trait nor is a carrier of the trait. A completely shaded circle or square indicates that a person expresses the trait. Go to Section:
I. Rr Rr II. R_ R_ Rr Rr rr R_ III. R_ R_ R_ rr R_ Rr Rr
Using Pedigree to determine inheritance patterns Autosomal – Trait is found on chromosome other than sex chromosome (1-22). Just as likely for male or female to be affected. May be dominant or recessive. Passed from carrier mothers to sons. Examples: Hair color, eye color, cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s, Limb girdle muscular dystrophy Sex-Linked – Found on the X chromosome. Males more likely to have it because only they only have one X. Examples: Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy, colorblindness hemophilia
Color blindness is sex linked recessive trait _ b X X X Y II. B B b B b _ B B B X Y X X X X X Y X Y X X III. B _ _ B b _ B b B B X X X X X Y X Y X Y X X X Y