CarolinaConnect is a cooperative and full member of NRECA CarolinaConnect is a cooperative and full member of NRECA. CarolinaConnect utilizes CFC, NISC, and Federated for business functions, as other electric cooperatives do.
Purpose: CarolinaConnect was formed by MCEC to provide internet to all of its members, and to any other South Carolina electric cooperative’s members should they desire.
CarolinaConnect is an affiliated company of Mid Carolina Electric and Newberry Electric, who are the first 2 members.
CarolinaConnect provides all internet services over the member coop’s fiber network. A redundant active router network carries Metro Ethernet service, as well as PON internet to customers.
CarolinaConnect is building a redundant “service provider” Cisco network for internet routing.
A Calix PON network is overlaid on the redundant network
CarolinaConnect markets, provisions, installs, and bills customers on its own platform. CrowdFiber webface front end for customer interface with NISC provisioning and billing.
Calix Gigacenters are centrally deployed in customers’ homes.
CarolinaConnect Business Principles: No contract No introductory pricing CC installers connect all wireless devices for customers No paper bills
Days per Thousand Customers 1- 1,000: 449 1,001- 2,000: 98 2,001- 3,000: 62 3,001- 3,500: 24* 803-785-3420