A Photo Story Inquiry Project OIL SPILLS A Photo Story Inquiry Project
4 INQUIRY QUESTIONS Describe the potential impact of wildlife living in the area? What is the balance between the interests of individual and the interests of business with regard to the environment? What role should the government play in regulating that balance? How do the country’s past actions inform its current policies related to environmental issues?
Articles http://www.theprovince.com/technology/English+spil l+speedy+response+mismanaged+chaos/10971605/stor y.html http://www.theprovince.com/technology/Cleanup+co ntinues+English+spill+long+term+impact+unknown/1 0978541/story.html http://www.theprovince.com/news/Ducks+released+fr om+rehab+after+English+spill/10985420/story.html