Major U.S. Battles
MAJOR TURNING POINT OF WAR!!!! VICKSBURG MAJOR TURNING POINT OF WAR!!!! General Grant surrounds town of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Confederates surrender on July 4, 1863 after a 40 day siege. Union now has complete control of Mississippi River/ splits Confederacy in two
Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863 near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Union General Meade defeated attacks by Confederate General Robert E. Lee, ending Lee’s invasion of the North. Battle with the largest number of casualties in the American Civil War (Over 46,000 killed and wounded during the three-day battle).
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Sherman’s March to the Sea Began with General Sherman’s Union troops leaving the captured city of Atlanta , Georgia on November 15, 1864 and ended with capture of the port of Savannah on Dec. 21. Sherman’s troops carried out a “total war” or “scorched earth” policy, burning crops, killing livestock, and destroying all civilian buildings in their path to the sea.