Air pressure, air temperature and wind Presented by: Martin Benjamin V. Torres
Low and high pressure areas Low pressure areas- They form if atmospheric circulations of air remove a little amount of atmosphere from a place. High pressure areas- They form if air masses are being cooled.
Low and high pressure area Air starts converging very close to the ground into a low presssure area. Air coudn’t pile up, so it rises and starts diverging aloft. Now with high pressure, air starts coverging aloft and starts decsending towards the surface and start diverging at ground level.
What is air temperature? Air temperature measures of hot or cold air is. Air temperature affects reproduction and growth of living things.
How is air temperature measured? It is usually measured in either degrees Celsius and Farenheit. 0 degrees celsius is 32 degrees in Farenheit. Room temperature in Celsius is usually around 25 degrees which is around 77 degrees Farenheit.
What is wind? Wind is a flow of gas on a big scale. In space, solar wind is the movement of charged particles/gases from the sun.
What is the cause of wind? This is caused by differences inside the atmospheric pressure. When this exits, air starts moving from the higher pressure area to the lower pressure area.