The Spanish and the Aztecs: from Encounter to Conquest (1519-1521)
During the Film Write down characteristics, actions, thoughts, etc During the Film Write down characteristics, actions, thoughts, etc. of Moctezuma and Cortes
Thinking Through the Sources Purpose Practice Evidence Based arguments (they are the strongest types of arguments) Interim Assessment Prep Research Paper Writing Process Practice
Thinking Through the Sources Historical Thinking Question What differences in outlook can you identify between the Spanish and the Aztec Sources?
Source 13.1 – The Meeting of Cortes and Moctezuma: A Spanish View by Bernal Diaz Read to answer… Spanish posture (attitude) toward Aztecs? Differences in religious understanding between the two leaders? Agreements?
What did the author notice about the Spanish? Source 13.2 – The Meeting of Cortes and Moctezuma: An Aztec Account by Fray Bernardino de Sahagun Read to answer… What did the author notice about the Spanish? 2. How does this account differ from 13.1? How does it overlap or support 13.1?
13.3A – Moctezuma and Cortes With your crew… How does this painting present the relationship between Cortes and Moctezuma? Does this image support or challenge the perception that the Aztecs viewed the Spanish newcomers as gods? What impression of Dona Marina does this image suggest?
13.3B – The Massacre of the Nobles With your crew… Elements of the description given are reflected? What might the drums in the center represent?
13.4 – Conquest and Victory: The Fall of Tenochtitlan from the Spanish Perspective by Francisco de Aguilar Read to answer… Why are the Spanish victorious according to Aguilar? How are the Spanish portrayed? The Aztecs?
13.5 – Defeat: The Fall of Tenochtitlan from an Aztec Perspective by Fray Bernadino de Sahagun Read to answer… Does this account agree or disagree with Aguilar’s account in 13.4? How does this source explain the defeat of Tenochtitlan? What attitude toward the Spanish does this author have?
13.6 – The Battle of Tenochtitlan Answer with your crew… What elements of struggle from 13.4 and 13.5 do you see in the paining? Was this created more from a European or Indigenous perspective? Explain… Why include the gruesome depiction of the executed Spaniards in the painting?
13.7 – Lamentation: The Aftermath of Defeat “Cantares Mexicanos” Read to answer… What do the poems suggest about how the Aztecs came to terms with their losses? Are these songs universal representations of loss and defeat? How are they uniquely Aztec?
Thinking Through the Sources Historical Thinking Question What differences in outlook can you identify between the Spanish and the Aztec Sources?
Group the Documents Spanish Source Perspectives Aztec Source Perspectives Neither…why?
On what topics are the perspectives the same On what topics are the perspectives the same? Topics where they are different? Topics that are viewed the same Topics that are viewed different More the same or more different? What accounts for your answer?
Thesis Statement The Spanish and Aztec outlook are different in ______________ way(s) because…
Look at the feedback on your last outline…
Homework – Thesis and Outline Due Tuesday 1/23