Cameroon National Monitoring Forest designing process USDA FOREST SERVICE International Programs Cameroon National Monitoring Forest designing process November 2016
SilvaCarbon mandate The SilvaCarbon program: US technical cooperation program to enhance the capacity of selected tropical countries to generate and effectively use improved information about forest and terrestrial carbon. Work in collaboration with developing countries and other partners in the domain of climate change SilvaCarbon builds capacity by providing targeted technical assistance and identifying, testing, and disseminating good practices and cost-effective, accurate technologies for monitoring and managing forest
SilvaCarbon Africa strategy Assist Congo basin countries in their design and implementation of sustainable forest management approaches, including the integration of REDD+ guidelines and programs. Continue to support activities endorsed by government's as well as exploring new opportunities linked with terrestrial carbon management. Training and technical assistance to administrations and agencies to monitor and manage forest and terrestrial carbon
Cameroon program build capacity of core experts and present options for technical decisions, especially in establishing a national forest Monitoring system Observation component that incorporates appropriate remote sensing data analysis and MRV (Grant to administration employees in the domain of Climate Change and REDD+ at CRESA Training of trainers through the GHG Institute Involving: USGS, USGS, NASA
Cameroon REDD+ process Since 2005, Cameroon engage in the REDD+ process R-PP validated by the FCPF of the World Bank in 2013 First draft of the strategy finalized in 2015 ER-PIN validated by the Carbon Fund of the WB in 2015 Request from the Cameroon steering Committee to SilvaCarbon to provide technical assistance in designing the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) including MRV and the implementation of the RPP.
Achievements Technical Working Group set-up in 2015 followed by a background information mission by expert on remote sensing and forest inventory data Since 2015: several training workshops conducted in Cameroon by USFS and USGS in the domain of remote sensing Key parameters discussed at the national level (definition of the forest; land-use classes; general approaches for discussed through the Technical Working Group and adopted by the Cameroon Steering Committee Institutional arrangement clarified
Future Evolution of the National Reference and MRV RL Version 0 ER-PD RL Version 1 - National January 2018 NR Version 2 - National 2018? RL/MRV June. 2017 ER-PD RL Version 0 - National Phase I : ST-REDD / SDIAF Phase II : SDIAF / UOSCF Soutien ST-REDD
The way forward Model assisted approach chosen by the Technical Working Group and ST REDD+. Starting with ER-PIN Collaboration with UMD, Boston University, USGS and OSFAC: production of thematic maps 2000-2015 followed by REDD-Compass portal and BEEODA tools trainings Collaboration with GHG Institute, USFS: -training of trainers Emission factors (fied measurements (Universities and Lecturers); Collaboration with WB, JICA for NFI and MRV. Designing of Cameroon QA/QC protocol
Thanks very much