SESSION I: Governance and Organisational Issues Related to Early Warning Systems for Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction SYMPOSIUM ON MULTI-HAZARD EARLY.


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Presentation transcript:

SESSION I: Governance and Organisational Issues Related to Early Warning Systems for Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction SYMPOSIUM ON MULTI-HAZARD EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS FOR INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT WMO, 23 May 2006

Build a disaster risk reduction movement – ISDR system                    The objective: To reduce disaster risk, worldwide, focusing on nations and communities The instrument: Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 The vehicle: ISDR system - ‘movement ’

Schematic of main elements of the reformed ISDR System in support of the implementation of Hyogo Framework for Action Nations and communities National Platforms, Government agencies, NGOs, local authorities, technical organisations, community organisations Direction through GA, ECOSOC, etc, specific requests, support via ISDR Support Group and contributions Direct support to institutions, programme implementation, technical advice Global coordination mechanisms Supporting mechanisms UN Secretary General USG Humanitarian Affairs, Management Oversight Board Global Platform for DR and subsidiary bodies (PAC etc) ISDR secretariat ISDR regional and thematic platforms International and regional organisations UN Country Teams Guidance, support, monitoring

Objectives of the strengthened ISDR Added-value, coherence and coordination: (The primary aims of the ISDR system to link national, regional and international levels of implementation of HFA. Standardization of approaches and knowledge sharing.) Increase political space for disaster risk reduction. (Including finance, development sectors, MDGs…). Conduct high-level advocacy.) Define targets and indicators for the ISDR system (To reflect high-level impact measurable goals) Joint ISDR system planning and deliverables (Global activities/results to support national implementation of the disaster risk reduction - including thematic areas such as early warning)

Shortcomings in Governance and Organisational Issues Related to EW Often isolated and technically based, not people centred, with weaknesses in preparedness and response Often not well integrated into policy and not part of risk management approach Some hazards and vulnerabilities not well covered Lack of capacities in developing countries Fragmented mechanisms for international coordination and action

5 Organisational Challenges How to integrate vulnerability perspectives and broaden hazard-oriented approaches? To ensure early warnings lead to early action? What means to build and sustain political commitment? How to strengthen coordination among the various national and local actors? Linking the multiple hazards – cooperating and coordinating – but also strengthened governance? Mechanisms to strengthen international and regional coordination, including the International Early Warning Programme (IEWP)?