Medication Errors & Risk Reduction Ch. 7 Professor Joson MSN CNS
What is a Med Error?
Factors Contributing to Med Errors Health care provider Omitting one of the five rights of drug admin Failing to perform an agency check Failing to account patient variables Giving meds based on verbal orders or phone orders Giving meds based on incomplete order or illegible order Practicing under stressful work conditions
Factors Contributing to Med Errors patient Taking Meds from multiple providers Polypharmacy Not filling or refilling their Rx Taking medications in incorrect doses Taking meds from previous illness or prescribed for another person
What’s the impact of Med Errors? Common cause of morbidity and preventable death in hospitals Emotionally devastating to nurse and client Increased cost to patient and facility, as it may extend client’s stay Poor reputation for unit or facility, caused by high incidence of errors Penalizing of administrative staff or the hospital as a whole because of errors
Strategies for Reducing Med Errors P= I= E= Nurses’ should never administer a medication unless familiar with uses and side effects PDA (Personal Digital Assistants) Electronic/Internet access for drug formulary Call pharmacist Medication Reconciliation What does this prevent?
Effective Patient Teaching Written, age-appropriate handouts, correct language Audiovisual teaching aids Contact information Know names of all medications Know what side effects may occur Use appropriate administration devices Read label prior to each drug administration Carry list of all medications, including OTC and herbals Ask questions