Using EBSCO and Google to find journal articles for your 20% literature review on plagiarism
Click the EBSCO link on Moodle
Tick “Business source complete”
Start with a topic such as “plagiarism” and search for this using EBSCO
Limit the search to articles (tick all the boxes) *Limit the search to articles (tick all the boxes) * slide the publication date to find recent articles (you can use old articles in your literature review but if you use old articles state that a proper literature review needs to use proper journal articles
Scroll down to you find an interesting article and click on the article
Use the find Similar results button to find similar results Use the cite button to get the reference (use APA)
Find articles that are addressing the same specific question (be selective and click on each article quick text search to check that all the articles are about the same thing , all of these articles about how turnitin can reduce plagiarism)
If you already know what your question is and you know the specific phrases academics use to describe the problem you might try Google scholar: For example, academics don’t call teaching “teaching” they call teaching “pedagogy” and they will not call turnitin “plagiarism detection” software they will call it “text matching” software because an assignment can still be plagiarised if the turnitin match is low.
Click the cite button to get an APA reference. Click here to get the free version (if the free version is not available use EBSCO) Select 2008 as the earliest date to get recent articles.