If you are not logged in, visit your Moodle Cloud LMS and login If you are not logged in, visit your Moodle Cloud LMS and login. Your username is admin and the password is the one you chose during the set-up process.
Click on the Site administration button in the left hand menu Click on the Site administration button in the left hand menu. A new screen will appear with a set of tabs. Click on the Users tab. 2 1
The first section under the Users tab is called Accounts The first section under the Users tab is called Accounts. Click on the Add a new user link. 1
Check the Generate password and notify user checkbox. There are many fields on the screen that opens, but you only need to complete the following ones: Username: Make it an easy to remember username like their first name. Noe that the username may not contain CAPITALS. Check the Generate password and notify user checkbox. First Name: Fill in your facilitator’s first name. Surname: Fill in your facilitator’s surname. Email address: Fill in your facilitator’s email address. Moodle will send them an email with their login details. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Create button. 1 2 3 4 5